Thursday, 12 October 2017

Microsoft Outlook shortcut keys

Microsoft Outlook shortcut keys

Below is a listing of all the major shortcut keys in Microsoft Outlook. See the computer shortcuts page if you are looking for other shortcut keys used in other programs.

Shortcut                                         Description

  1. Alt+S                                       Send the e-mail
  2. Ctrl+Enter                          Send the e-mail you're composing.
  3. Ctrl+C                                       Copy selected text.
  4. Ctrl+X                                       Cut selected text.
  5. Ctrl+P                                       Open Print window.
  6. Ctrl+K                               Complete the name or e-mail being
                                             typed in the e-mail address bar.
  7. Ctrl+B                                       Bold highlighted selection.
  8. Ctrl+I                                       Italic highlighted selection.
  9. Ctrl+M                                       Send and receive all.
  10. Ctrl+Q                                       Mark selected e-mail as Read.
  11. Ctrl+U                                       Mark selected e-mail as Unread.
  12. Underline                               highlighted text (within an e-mail message).
  13. Ctrl+R                                       Reply to an e-mail.
  14. Ctrl+F                                       Forward an e-mail.
  15. Ctrl+N                                        Create a new e-mail (when in the
                                          Mail section).
    Create a new appointment
                                          in your
    calendar (when in the Calendar section).
  16. Ctrl+Y                                        Go to folder.
  17. Ctrl+Shift+A                              Create a new appointment in
                                          your calendar (from any section of Outlook).
  18. Ctrl+Shift+O                                       Open the Outbox.
  19. Ctrl+Shift+I                                       Open the Inbox.
  20. Ctrl+Shift+K                                       Add a new task.
  21. Ctrl+Shift+C                                       Create a new contact.
  22. Ctrl+Shift+J                                       Create a new journal entry.
  23. Ctrl+Shift+V                                       Move e-mail to folder.


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