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Showing posts with label Internet Help. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Internet Help. Show all posts

Saturday, 7 April 2018

How can I record sound from YouTube videos?

Note: The steps below are only for saving the audio, not how to save a YouTube video to your computer.

Using an online service
One of the easiest methods for saving the audio from a YouTube video to an MP3 file is using an online service that does all the conversion for you. Below are steps on how to record sound in a YouTube video using an online YouTube to MP3 conversion service.

  • Go to the YouTube video page and copy the URL of the video you want to save as an MP3 audio file.
  • Once the URL has been copied, access the OnlineVideoConverter site.

Note: The OnlineVideoConverter service is free to use. The site may display ads to pay for their service, but you are not required to pay any money to use it.

  • Paste the copied Youtube video URL into the text field near the top of the site.
  • Below the text field, make sure Format: .mp3 is selected in the drop-down list.
  • Click the orange Start button below the text field and drop-down list.
  • When the progress meter reaches 100%, you will see a page with a Download button. Click the Download button to download the MP3 audio file.
Note: When clicking the Download button, if nothing happens or a blank page opens and then closes, click the Download button again to download the MP3 audio file.

Using a software program
Note: If your computer has an integrated sound card, you will not be able to download streaming audio. Therefore, the steps in this section will not work for you. It is best to use an online service, as discussed above, to download audio from a YouTube video.

If you want to do the recording yourself or only need a segment of the video's sound, we suggest using the free Audacity program to record and save the audio. To proceed, follow the steps below.
  1. Download the free Audacity program.
  2. Once the download is complete, run the setup program and follow the steps to install Audacity on your computer.
  3. Open the Audacity program. In the menu bar at the top, click Edit and then Preferences.
  4. Within the Preferences window, in the Devices section, locate the Recording section.
  5. Under Device: look for the Stereo Mix option. If Stereo Mix is not available, it is likely disabled. To enable it:
  • Open the Control Panel on your computer and click on Hardware and sound, then the Sound icon in the Control Panel window.
  • In the Sound window, click on the Recording tab and then, in an blank space in that tab, right-click with your mouse and select Show Disabled Devices from the drop-down menu that appears.
  • The Stereo Mix device should now be visible. Right-click on that device and select Enable.
Note: If the Stereo Mix option is still not available, it is likely because your computer has an integrated sound card. Stereo Mix is not available with integrated sound cards and you cannot download streaming audio from a YouTube video. It is best to use an online service instead, as discussed in the "Using an online service" section above.

  • Click OK to save the Sound settings change.
  • If Audacity was open when you enabled Stereo Mix, close and re-open the program. Stereo Mix should now be available in the Recording Device list.
Tip: While still in Preferences, select 2 (Stereo) in the Channels drop-down list to enable stereo sound.

Tip: You can select the settings in Steps four and five within the main Audacity program window as well. There are four drop-down lists located just above the middle of the program window. The third drop-down list from the left is for the Recording Device (has a microphone icon to the left of it). Select Stereo Mix in this drop-down list

Click OK when you are satisfied with your settings.

Open the YouTube video you want to record. Unless you have a fast connection, we suggest getting the video fully loaded before recording.
Once your video is loaded, click the record button (red circle) in Audacity, then switch back to the YouTube video and click play. As the video is playing, you should see action in the sound wave section in Audacity. When done recording, click the stop button (light brown square) in Audacity.

Tip: Doing it this way causes a section at the beginning of the sound file to be blank. To remove this section of blank audio, highlight it by clicking and dragging your mouse, and then press the delete key on your keyboard to remove the blank segment. You can also enable the Sound-based Recording option in Audacity to eliminate the blank section of audio.

When you have completed your recording, click File and choose Export. Select MP3 Files in the Save as type drop-down list. Enter a File name and click Save.
Note: If this is the first time you have used Audacity, you need to install LAME MP3 file support to save the recorded audio as an MP3 file. See the section below for additional information.

Getting MP3 support for Audacity
To save the file in MP3 format, you need to get LAME for Audacity from the LAME download site. LAME is available for both Windows and macOS X.
Once downloaded, install LAME on the computer.

When you have completed your recording, click File and choose Export. Select MP3 Files in the Save as type drop-down list. Enter a File name and click Save.

After selecting the MP3 Files type, you may be prompted for the location of the LAME file. Point to the lame_enc.dll file, which is found at C:\Program Files\Lame for Audacity if you used the default install location. If you extracted from a compressed file, it is in the extracted folder.

30 Indian History General Knowledge Questions and Answers

Abbreviations & Meanings

How to download videos using a browser add-on or extension

Many browsers support the ability for add-ons or extensions to be installed to download streaming videos.

  • Copyright and Fair Use
  • Downloading videos using a Firefox add-on
  • Downloading videos using Chrome extensions
Copyright and Fair Use
WARNING: Downloading streaming videos is not illegal, as long as you use the video in a manner that conforms to the video's license or terms of use. For example, many YouTube videos use the standard YouTube license, and some are licensed under Creative Commons. You can check the license type by inspecting the information box underneath the video, as in the image below.

For more information about viewing and using YouTube videos in accordance with copyrights, make sure to check Google's Frequently Asked Questions about Copyright and Fair Use on YouTube.

Download videos using a Firefox add-on

To download videos (including YouTube) using Firefox, we recommend the add-on called Download YouTube Videos as MP4. The install the add-on, follow the install process below.

In Firefox, navigate to the add-on page at https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/download-youtube/, and click Add to Firefox.


 When prompted by the browser to confirm installation, click Install.

The next time you go to a YouTube video page, you'll notice a Download button on your interface.


You'll be presented with a drop-down menu, where you can select which quality video to download and what size each type of file will be. After selecting the desired video quality option, the file will download like any other file and be available in your downloads folder.

Downloading videos using Chrome extensions

Note: Google does not allow any extension in Google Chrome to download YouTube videos. However, the example below does allow you to download videos from most other video sites.

For Google Chrome, we recommend installing the Video Downloader professional extension. To download this extension, follow the install process below.

Visit the Video Downloader Professional extension on the Chrome web store.

Click the Add to Chrome button Add to chrome once open.

Click Add Extension.

After installing the extension, if a video is available to download, a green down arrow Download arrow appears in the top-right corner of the window and allows you to download the video.

Monday, 8 January 2018

How do I clear my Internet browser history - in Opera

The Opera browser has a very straightforward interface for viewing and editing your history.

To view your browsing history in Opera:

In an Opera browser window, click the Opera menu button Opera menu button in the upper left-hand corner of the window and choose History to open the History tab. Or, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+H.

To clear your browsing history in Opera:

Open the History tab as described above and click Clear browsing data...
In the drop-down menu Obliterate the following items from:, choose how far back in time you want to clear your history. To clear everything, choose the beginning of time.
Check the boxes next to the specific types of history you want to clear.

Click Clear browsing data.



Safari is the default web browser on Apple's OSX and iOS operating systems. Although it was previously available for Microsoft Windows, as of 2012 Apple no longer supports Safari on Windows.

To view your browsing history in Safari:

Open the Safari browser.
Click the History menu at the top of the screen. The menu lists recent pages from your browsing history, which you can navigate to by clicking on them. To edit your history or view it in detail, click Show All History...

To clear your browsing history in Safari:

Open the Show All History view. To delete individual history items, right-click them and choose Delete, or press the Delete key to clear selected history items.
To clear everything, click Clear History.

Use the drop-down menu to choose how far back to delete your history.
Click Clear History.

Safari on iPhone and iPad
To view or delete your browsing history on iOS:

Open the Safari browser on your mobile device.
Scroll up until you see the address bar at the top of the screen and a toolbar on the bottom.
On the toolbar at the bottom, click the fourth icon from the left that looks like a book.
Click History.
Click Clear in the lower right-hand side of the screen.

Microsoft Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer was Microsoft's Internet browser until 2015, when it was replaced by Microsoft Edge. If you are still using Internet Explorer on your computer, you can use the following steps to view or clear your browsing history.

Older versions

Security updates are no longer regularly provided for Internet Explorer and are not guaranteed to continue. To ensure that your browser is secure when browsing the Internet, you should use a different browser. If you are going to continue using Internet Explorer, check for any security updates that are still available and install them on your computer. For example, the September 2016 Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer is currently still available from Microsoft's website.

To view your browsing history in Internet Explorer:

Press Ctrl+H in any Internet Explorer browser window to view your history.


To view your browsing history in Netscape Navigator:

  • Open a Netscape Navigator browser window.
  • From the toolbar, click Edit, Preferences, History.
  • Locate the folder in which Netscape is storing your files.
  • Double click this folder within Explorer to view your browser history.

To clear your browsing history in Netscape Navigator:

  • Open a Netscape Navigator browser window.
  • From the toolbar, click Edit, Preferences, History.
  • Click the Clear History button.

Additional Tips

  • If you clear your Internet browser history often, you may want to consider browsing in incognito mode.
  • If you click in the address bar, you can press the Shift+Del keys to delete items individually.
  • If you do not see the File, Edit, View menu in Internet Explorer or Firefox, press the Alt key.

Additional information

How can I clear my browsing history on exit?
How do I view my Internet browsers history?
How to set or change default search engine.
How to restore default settings in an Internet browser.
How do I view, edit, and disable Google search History?
How to clear your YouTube history.
Why does a browser need to save my history?
See the cache and history definitions for further information about each of these terms.

Sunday, 22 October 2017

Introduction to Internet safety

Introduction to Internet safety
There's almost no limit to what you can do online. The Internet makes it possible to access information quickly, communicate around the world, and much more. Unfortunately, the Internet is also home to certain risks, such as malware, spam, and phishing. If you want to stay safe online, you'll need to understand these risks and learn how to avoid them.

Watch the video below from IBM Social Media to learn more about common online threats and how to avoid them.



 Adopting a safer mindset
Computers can often give us a false sense of security. After all, no one can physically harm you through a computer screen. But to stay safe online, you'll want to take a more cautious approach. Here's one way to think about it: Treat the Internet as you would a shopping mall.

Most people don't consider a mall to be an especially dangerous place. You can go there to shop and meet up with friends. But there are also small things you may do to stay safe, even if you don't think about them very often. For example, you probably wouldn't leave your car unlocked or give your credit card number to a stranger.

Apply this same mindset whenever you're online. You shouldn't be afraid to use the Internet, but remember that it comes with many of the same risks you'd face in the real world. Throughout this tutorial, we'll show you how to prepare for these risks so you can be online without putting yourself in danger.

Friday, 20 October 2017

How to copy a web page link or URL

How to copy a web page link or URL

Duplicating the linking address (URL) of the web page you are viewing can be achieved by highlighting and copying the text in the address bar, and then pasting it into another program (e.g. e-mail). Below are other ways to go about this process.

  • Copy an address link (URL) on a desktop or laptop
  • Copy an address link on a tablet or smartphone
  • Copying a YouTube video link on website and app
  • Shortening a long URL
  • Copying a link or picture address

Copying an address (URL) using a keyboard and mouse

Highlight the address by moving your mouse cursor over the address bar and clicking the left mouse button once or press the F6 keyboard shortcut to get into the address bar.

After the address has been highlighted, press Ctrl+C or Cmd+C on the keyboard to copy it. You can also right-click any highlighted section and choose Copy from the drop-down menu.

Once the address is copied, paste that address into another program by clicking a blank field and pressing Ctrl+V or Cmd+V. You may also right-click any highlighted section and choose Paste from the drop-down menu.

Copying an address on a mobile device

Open your preferred mobile Internet browser.

Locate the address link you would like to copy.

Note: If the address bar is not visible, try scrolling up using your finger.
Tap the address bar once to highlight all of the text contained within it.
Long press the highlighted text and select Copy.

On smaller devices, the symbol for copying text looks like two identical pieces of paper.
Open the app where you would like to paste the address.

Long press again and select Paste.

Copying a YouTube video link on website and app

Tip: You can also use the how to copy a URL on a computer and how to copy a URL on a mobile device mentioned above to copy a YouTube video link. We're including the steps below as an alternative method of copying a video link.

On the desktop and mobile you can click the share icon that should resemble the share icon shown in the picture below. Once you click the share link, in addition to the social networking services you should see the URL of the video that can be copied and pasted anywhere.

Shortening a long address or URL

Some web pages may have a long URL that can present problems when it is pasted into another program, especially an e-mail. If the link you are interested in is long (more than 60 characters), copy and paste the URL into a web page that creates a short link. Our favorite short link service is Tiny URL.

Full listing of services that help create small easy to read URL's

Tip: There are also many browser add-ons that you can utilize to make copying long addresses easier.

Copying a link or image within a page

To copy the address to a link or image within a web page, right-click the link or image and select Copy link address or Copy image from the drop-down menu that appears. Alternatively, users may view the properties of the link and copy the URL from within that menu.

Full steps on how to copy text and images from a web page.

Additional information

See the copy, hyperlink, paste, and URL definitions for further information and help on these terms.

Saturday, 9 September 2017

Where to post my pictures, movies, or other files online for free

Users who have media, such as screenshots, family photos, or movies, may want to post them on the Internet so that they can be viewed by others. Below is a listing of different locations on the Internet that allow you to post pictures, movies, or other files for free on their servers.

Internet service provider (ISP)

Your Internet service provider or company you use to connect to the Internet gives you a small amount of storage space on their servers for free. Before trying any of the below recommendations, you may want to check with your ISP and see what space they give you and how to access it.

If available, you can almost always connect to the server over FTP and upload the pictures to their server. Some companies also have easy to use Internet web interfaces that allow you to send files to the server from a web page.
Once the files have been uploaded, they are accessible by opening your personal homepage or directory. 

This directory commonly consists of the domain of your ISP followed by your home directory. For example, if your ISP's web page is "example-isp.com and your username is myname, your home page could be http://www.example-isp.com/users/~myname or http://www.example-isp.com/users/myname.

Of course, all the above information is just an example and can change depending on who you use to connect to the Internet. Ask your ISP what your home page would be.


Free e-mail services are giving more and more storage space to their users. If you only want to share files with friends and family, try using these free mail services. 

For example, Google's Gmail gives its users 25 GB of storage space.
If you plan on using this method to share your photos, videos, and other files with friends and family, make sure they can receive e-mail attachments as large as your files. 

If the files are large (greater than 2 MB) and your recipient's e-mail service does not support large e-mail attachments, you may not be able to send them the photos or files this way.

Social networks

Social Networks sites like Facebook and Twitter are a great place to upload photos. Every day, over 200 million new photos are uploaded to Facebook.

Other third-party websites

There are dozens of companies and websites that allow you to store your pictures, images, movies, and other files on their site for free. Below is a listing of sites we've found useful and family safe, as well as the files they allow you to post.

Flickr - https://www.flickr.com

Supported files: Photos

Description: An excellent site and community that enables its users to post their personal photos on their site. It allows you to upload photos and share them with others online. It a huge user base and millions of photos to view.

YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/

Supported files: Video

Description: An excellent site with a great community that enables users to post their own movie files on their server for everyone to view.

Google Drive - https://drive.google.com/

Supported files: Photos, Documents (e.g. PDF, DOC, and XLS)

Description: Another great free online service provided by Google that gives you 5 GB of free storage and allows your files to be shared with anyone.
Dropbox - https://www.dropbox.com

Supported files: Any file

Description: A fantastic service that allows anyone to save their files online. Dropbox is available for Windows, macOS X, Linux, Android, and iOS. The Dropbox software allows you to not only store your files online easily, but also share them between all devices.

ImageShack - http://imageshack.us
Supported files: Photos, Other Image files
Description: A good site for posting small image files that requires no registration.

Photobucket - http://www.photobucket.com
Supported files: Photos, Other Image files
Description: An excellent site that supports a wide variety of image formats. Operates an extensive network of servers to host the files. Download time is always extremely fast.

SpeedSmart.net - http://speedsmart.net/
Supported files: Photos, Other Image files, Video, Audio, Other
Description: Another great place to post files up to 100 MB that you may need to transfer, move, or share.


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