Wednesday 12 July 2017


A Wizard is a step by step process to achieve a desired result. The chart wizard takes us through a series of shapes to create charts in Excel. Data should be entered in the worksheet before starting wizard.

To open the chart wizard
Click the Insert menu
Click the Chart option


Click the Chart Wizard icon in the Standard toolbar.

The Chart Wizard dialog box will display. This window allows creating two types of charts namely.

Standard Types - Contains built-in-chart types available in Excel.

Custom Types - Contains charts either based on standard types or defined by the user.

Following steps should be performed to create a chart using the Chart Wizard.

Step -1 : Select a Chart type

The first dialog box displays the various charts types. Each chart has two or more sub types from which one will be selected.

Step 2 : Source Data

This step deals with the source data for which the chart is created. In this step we need to specify the range of the worksheet cells that contain data.

Step 3 : Chart options 

This step provides various options using which we can edit the chart. In this dialog box we can specify a title for the chart, assign axis labels, data labels or change the location of the legends in the chart.

Step 4 : Chart Location

The final step is to decide where to place the completed chart. We can specify where the chart has to be embedded with the data or placed in a separate chart sheet.


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