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Monday, 31 July 2017

How to install or uninstall the Mozilla Firefox browser

How to install or uninstall the Mozilla Firefox browser

Mozilla Firefox is a popular alternative to the default browsers that come preloaded with you computer, including Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge. The following sections contain steps on how to install and uninstall the Mozilla's Firefox browser.

Install Mozilla Firefox

Open your Internet browser and go to the Mozilla Firefox download page.
Click the Free Download button in the center of the page.
Once the download has completed, click Run or on the download itself (usually in the lower left-hand corner of your browser window).
Follow the prompts to install Mozilla Firefox.

Uninstall Mozilla Firefox

Open the Control Panel.
Under the Programs section, click Uninstall a program.
Find and select the Mozilla Firefox program in the list.
You should see an Uninstall option appear  above the list of programs.

Follow the prompts to uninstall the Firefox browser.


Sometimes abbreviated as FF, Firefox was first introduced September 23, 2002 and later as Firefox 1.0 on November 9, 2004. 

Mozilla's next generation of browsers that include such great features as tabbed browsing, popup blocking, and other features not found in other browsers at the time. 

Mozilla Firefox became a popular alternative to Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 when users began looking for browsers that would do a better job preventing spyware. 

Since then, Firefox continues to grow in popularity but has more competition with the introduction of Google Chrome.

Related Articles :)

How to install or uninstall the Mozilla Firefox browser.
How do I update my browser?
Firefox tips
Mozilla Firefox overview.
The official Firefox page and an available download can be found at https://www.mozilla.org/firefox/


Alt may refer to any of the following:

1.  Short for Alternate, Alt is a modifier key located on both sides of the spacebar key on IBM compatible computer keyboards. The picture shows an example of an Alt key.

Note: The Alt key should not be confused with the Altmode key that is used with some Teletype and ASCII terminals. The Altmode key does not function the same as the Alt key.

Where is the Alt key on the keyboard?

Below is an overview of a computer keyboard with the Alt keys highlighted in blue.

Note: Apple computer keyboards use the option key in place of the Alt key.
Alt keyboard shortcuts and what can the alt key do?

Alt is most often used to describe a key combination, such as the example below.

The above combination means to press and hold the Ctrl, Alt, and Del keys all at the same time to reboot the computer or open the task manager window.

Below are some other commonly used Alt shortcut keys on a Windows computer.
Alt = Pressing the Alt key alone focuses the computer on the File Menu (if available).

Alt+F = Pressing these two keys opens the File Menu in an open program.

Alt+F4 = These keys close the open program. To close an open window or tab within a program press Ctrl+F4.

Alt+Spacebar = Open the Window menu of the program currently open.

Alt+Tab = These keys switch between open programs left-to-right. Pressing 

Alt+Shift+Tab reverses the order of switching programs.

Tip: See our shortcut key list for a full listing of all shortcuts.

Tip: In Internet Explorer, pressing the Alt key shows the menu bar visible near the top of the program window.

Using the Alt key to create special characters (alt codes)
With Windows computers, the Alt key can also be used with the number keys on the numeric keypad to create special characters (alt codes) such as accented letters. For example, pressing Alt+160 with code page 437 gives you an "a" with an accent (á) in all programs.

Note: When creating alt codes your Num Lock must be enabled, and you must be using the numbers on the numeric keypad and not at the top of the keyboard.

Where is the Alt key on my smartphone or tablet touchscreen?
Smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices with touchscreens do not have the Alt Key or other modifier keys.

2. An alt may also be used to describe the alternate text used to describe an image in HTML.

Top 10 computer mouse tips

Top 10 computer mouse tips 

Most computer users don't take full advantage of the computer Mouse. Below are computer mouse tips and secrets that help you get the full potential of your computer mouse and increase your overall productivity while on the computer.

Shift key and mouse click

Many text editors and programs allow you to highlight all or portions of text using the Shift key and the mouse. 

Holding down the Alt key while dragging and highlighting text in a text editor allows you to selectively highlight text. Highlighting text this way is useful if the paragraph or other text is in a column. Note: This tip does not work in the above box and has to be done in a text editor or word processor.

Take full advantage of the scroll wheel

Today, everyone is familiar with a mouse wheels ability to scroll up and down on a page. However, this wheel can also do so much more, below are just a few examples.

The mouse wheel is not just a wheel. It can also be used as a button. Pressing down on the wheel will acts like a third mouse button. The wheel button can be used to open a web page in a tab by clicking the wheel on any link and can also be used to close a tab by clicking the wheel on any open tab.

Zoom in and Out on a web page, word document, excel spreadsheet, etc. by holding down the Ctrl key and scrolling up to zoom in and down to zoom out.

Hold down the Shift key and scroll down in most Internet browsers to go back to the previous web page.

Some mouse wheels can be pushed left or right to also move back and forward between web pages.

Select with double and triple click

Any word can be selected by double-clicking the word. If you want to highlight the whole paragraph or sentence, click the mouse button three times on any word. Try it now on this paragraph by clicking three times fast on any word in the paragraph.

If you double-click and then drag your mouse, it will highlight one word at a time.

Use the right-click

Take full advantage of the right-click any time you highlight text or want to view the properties of an object. For example, if you highlight a file or text, you can right-click that highlighted item, copy it, and then right-click anywhere else to paste it.

If you highlight or select any file or text and then click and drag while holding the right mouse button, when you let go an option to move or copy that file is shown. This saves you the extra step of having to right-click where you want to paste the item.

While in a browser, pressing and holding Ctrl while clicking on any link opens a menu with options for that link.

Ctrl key and mouse click or highlight

While holding down the Ctrl key, you can left-click to select multiple objects or highlight multiple sections of text.

Bonus Tip: Mozilla Firefox users can also hold down the Ctrl key and individually click on each cell in a table they want to copy. They can also hold down the Ctrl key and drag their mouse down a row to select just that row or text without selecting any of the other text in that table.

Use the mouse side buttons
Many new computer mice also have buttons on the side of the mouse. These buttons can be programmed to do anything. However, by default, the left-thumb button can be used to go back on a web page. Using the thumb button makes browsing the Internet more efficient since you do not need to move the mouse cursor to the browser's back arrow button to go back a page.

Use the Windows Snap To feature
Take full advantage of the Windows mouse Snap To feature, which will automatically move your mouse to buttons that appear in a dialog box. For example, if you delete a file or close a window, you may get a prompt asking you if you are sure you want to perform the task. 

With the Snap To feature enabled, the mouse cursor automatically moves to the Ok button, so all you have to do is click the left mouse button if you agree. This saves you the time of having to move the mouse cursor to the Ok button and then click Ok.

To enable this feature, open the Mouse properties under the Windows Control Panel and check the Snap To check box under the Pointer Options tab.

Bonus Tip: While changing this feature, we also suggest looking at other available options in the Mouse properties. For example, increasing the Motion speed can also help increase your productivity while using the mouse.

Manage the open window with the mouse
Double-click the top title bar of any window to maximize a window or, if it is already maximized, resize it to a smaller window. You can also double-click the icon for the window in the top-left corner of the window to close that window.

Move the mouse with your keyboard

Instead of using the mouse that came with your computer, you can also enable Windows to use the number pad as a mouse.

Customize your mouse

Finally, if you have a mouse with more than two buttons, installing the included mouse software allows you to customize the mouse even more. For example, if you don't use the side buttons to move back and forth in a web page, change it to something you do more often, such as switching between open windows or opening the calculator.

YouTube keyboard shortcuts

YouTube keyboard shortcuts

Your computer and programs running on your computer are not the only places keyboard shortcuts can be used. Many online services like YouTube also have keyboard shortcuts that can be used. Below is a listing of keys you can use on your keyboard to control YouTube videos.

Note: The YouTube video and window must be active. If these keys are not working, click the video to make sure it is selected. Switching between windows, changing tabs in your browser, or performing other actions like making a comment unselects the video.

Play and pause a video

Press the spacebar or the 'k' key on your keyboard to play and pause a video.
Tip: Holding down either of these keys also plays the video in slow motion.

Jump to start of a video

Pressing the 0 (zero) key on your keyboard will jump to the beginning of a video. The home key also works for jumping to the start of a video.
Jump to the end of a video or go to the next video

Pressing the end key on your keyboard will go to the end of the video. If you are playing a playlist, it goes to the next video in the playlist.

Skip or jump in the video

Fast forward or rewind

If you want to fast forward or rewind in increments of five seconds, press the left or right arrow keys. If you need to jump more than five seconds hold down the Ctrl key and press the arrow key for the direction you want to jump in ten second increments.

Skip to video sections

Pressing the number keys from 1 to 9 seeks (jumps) to that percentage of the video. In other words, 1 jumps to 10%, 2 jumps to 20%, 3 jumps to 30%, etc.

Make the video full-screen

Pressing 'f' on the keyboard switches between full-screen and normal mode.

Tip: Pressing Esc also exits full-screen mode.

Turn up and down the volume

Pressing the up or down arrow keys turns up and down the volume of the video. If you are turning down the volume and continue to hold the down arrow key, it will eventually mute the volume.

Tip: Pressing 'm' on the keyboard also mutes and unmutes the volume.

YouTube Lean Back

Finally, from our YouTube Top 10 tricks, YouTube also has a feature called YouTube Lean Back that allows you to navigate YouTube without using a mouse.

Getting into Windows Safe Mode

Getting into Windows Safe Mode

Accessing Safe Mode for Windows requires the use of a working keyboard. If the keyboard on your computer does not work, you will not be able to access Safe Mode.
Windows 10 users
Windows 8 users
Windows 7 and Vista users
Windows XP and 2000 users
Windows 98 and ME users
Windows 95 users
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Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Mozilla Firefox shortcut keys

Below is a listing of all the major shortcut keys in Mozilla Firefox. See the computer shortcut page if you are looking for other shortcut keys used in other programs.

Shortcut Keys                            DescriptionF5                                   Refresh current page, frame, or tab.
F11                                 Display the current website in fullscreen mode. 

                                      Pressing F11 again will exit this mode.
Esc                                 Stop page or download from loading.
Spacebar                        Moves down a page at a time.
Alt+Home                       Open your homepage.
Alt+Down arrow              Display all previous text entered in a text box 

                                      and available options on drop-down menu.
Alt+Left Arrow                Back a page.
Alt+Right Arrow              Forward a page.
Ctrl+(- or +)                    Increase or decrease the font size, pressing '-' 

                                      will decrease and '+' will increase. Ctrl+0 
                                      will reset back to default.
Ctrl+D                            Add a bookmark for the page currently opened.
Ctrl+F                            Access the Find option, to search for any text 

                                     on the currently open web page.
Ctrl+H                            View browsing history.
Ctrl+I                              Display available bookmarks.
Ctrl+J                             Display the download window.
Ctrl+K or Ctrl+E               Move the cursor to the search box.
Ctrl+L                             Move cursor to address box.
Ctrl+N                             Open New browser window.
Ctrl+O                             Access the Open File window to open a file in Firefox.
Ctrl+P                             Print current page or frame.
Ctrl+T                             Opens a new tab.
Ctrl+F4 or Ctrl+W            Closes the currently selected tab.
Ctrl+F5                            Refresh the page, ignoring the Internet cache 

                                      (force full refresh).
Ctrl+Enter                        Quickly complete an address. 

                                       For example, type juicerecipesonline in the address bar 
                                       and press Ctrl+Enter to get https://www.juicerecipesonline.org
Ctrl+Tab                           Moves through each of the open tabs.
Ctrl+Shift+Del                   Open the Clear Data window to quickly clear private data.
Ctrl+Shift+B                      Open the Bookmarks window, to view all bookmarks in Firefox.
Ctrl+Shift+J                      Open the Browser Console to troubleshoot an 

                                        unresponsive script error.
                      Open a new Private Browsing window.
                      Undo the close of a window.
                     Close the Firefox browser window.
                  Moves up a page at a time.

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Top 10 keyboard shortcuts everyone should know.
MS-Excel Shortcut keys

MS-word Shortcut keys

Definitions of Keyboard


A computer keyboard is one of the primary input devices used with a computer that looks similar to those found on electric typewriters, but with some additional keys. Keyboards allow you to input letters, numbers, and other symbols into a computer that can serve as commands or be used to type text.

The following image shows a 104-key Saitek keyboard with indicators pointing to each of the major key sections of a keyboard including the control keys, function keys, LED indicators, wrist pad, arrow keys, and keypad.

Keyboard overview

Below is a closer up image of a QWERTY computer keyboard with each of the keys selectable. Hover over any of the keys below to see a description of the key and click any of the keys to open a new page with full details about the key.

Keyboard interfaces

USB cable and portToday, most desktop computer keyboards connect to the computer using either USB or Bluetooth for wireless communication. Before USB, a computer may have used PS/2 or AT (Din5) as a keyboard interface.

Types of keyboards

Today, most keyboards are similar to each other, but may be missing one or more of the sections mentioned earlier (e.g. the keypad). Where keyboards begin to differ the most is with the keyboard layout. While most keyboards use the QWERTY layout, there are still people who use the DVORAK layout.

How many keys are on a computer keyboard?

Laptop keyboards

A laptop keyboard is different from a desktop keyboard to help reduce the size and the overall weight of the laptop. Most laptop keyboards are made smaller by placing the keys closer to each other and not always including control keys or a keypad. For a laptop to have all the same functions of a desktop keyboard, laptop keyboards use a Fn key that is used in conjunction with other keys to perform special functions. For example, pressing the Fn key and the up or down arrow on the keyboard shown below, increases and decreases the brightness of the screen.

Another difference with a laptop keyboard is the type of switch beneath each key or how the keys feel when pressed down. Some users may even experience more typing errors when typing on a laptop because of how easy it can be to press another key next to the key you intended to press.

Smartphone and tablet keyboards

Apple iPhone keyboardToday's smartphones and tablets do not come with a physical keyboard, although it may be purchased as an optional peripheral add-on. 

These devices utilize a thumb keyboard or on-screen keyboard to type messages and enter text into various fields. The image to the right shows an example of the Apple iPhone on-screen keyboard, used on all of apples touch-based devise.

Why is the keyboard an input device?

A computer keyboard is considered an input device because it only sends data to a computer and does not receive any information back.

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How to connect and install a keyboard.

How to connect and install a computer keyboard

How to connect and install a computer keyboard

Today, almost all wired keyboards use USB as the interface to the computer. Older computers may use PS/2 as an interface to the computer. If your keyboard is wireless, it can be communicating over Bluetooth, radio frequency (RF), or infrared (IR).
Below are the steps on how to connect each of these types of computer keyboards.
USB keyboard
Wireless keyboard
PS/2 keyboard

Connecting a USB keyboard

Tip: When connecting a USB keyboard, the computer can be off or on during the installation.

Connect the USB keyboard to the USB ports on the back or front of your computer. If you are using a USB hub, it can also be connected to the hub. However, we recommend a direct connection to the back of the computer if possible.

If you have a laptop computer, an external keyboard can also be connected to one of the USB ports. If no USB ports are available, a USB hub would be needed.
After the keyboard has been connected, it should be automatically detected and installed. If the keyboard has any special features, you need to install the keyboard software and drivers.

Wireless keyboard

All wireless keyboards have a receiver that is plugged into the computer (typically using USB), and the keyboard connects to that receiver wirelessly. Connect this receiver either into the back or front of your computer. Once connected, make sure your wireless keyboard has batteries or is charged and turned on.

Tip:To communicate wirelessly with the computer your keyboard must have a good signal between the computer and the keyboard. 

Make sure your keyboard has a good line of sight to the receiver. If you do not have a receiver with an extension cable that can be moved try moving the USB receiver from the back to the front of the computer.

After the keyboard has been connected, it should be automatically detected and installed. If the keyboard has any special features, you need to install the keyboard software and drivers.

Connecting a PS/2 Keyboard

Note: The computer needs to be off when connecting or disconnecting a PS/2 keyboard.
Connect the keyboard to the PS/2 port on the back of the computer.

When looking at the back of the computer, you'll notice two PS/2 ports next to each other. Verify you're connecting the keyboard to the purple connection, as shown in the picture below.

 If your PS/2 ports are not color coded, the keyboard will be the connection closest to the left edge of the computer (when looking at it from the back). If the connections are vertical and not horizontal like in the picture below, the keyboard connection may be either port depending on the case and motherboard. Look for a small symbol next to the port to identify which one is for the keyboard.

Tip: If you are confused what PS/2 cable is what when under your desk, the PS/2 keyboard cable is often thicker than the PS/2 mouse cable.
Note: Newer computers no longer have PS/2 ports. If you have a PS/2 keyboard and a computer with no PS/2 ports, we suggest purchasing a USB keyboard or a PS/2 to USB converter.

Install software and drivers

If your keyboard has special features like a touchpad, special buttons, or wireless functionality, model-specific drivers need to be installed for them to work properly. Install them from the disc provided with the keyboard or download them from the support section of the manufacturer's website.

Monday, 24 July 2017




When referring to text, indent or indentation is the increase or decrease of space between the left and right margin of a paragraph. In many programs, an indent for the first line of text can be created by moving the cursor to the front of the line and pressing the tab key on the keyboard.

Tip: Pressing the shortcut key Ctrl+M or Ctrl+> will indent all selected text and pressing Ctrl+Shift+M or Ctrl+< will decrease the indent of all selected text in Microsoft Word and other programs.
How big is an indent?

A typical indent is five spaces from the left-hand or right-hand side of the page.
Note: Text programs that support tab also support multiple indents. For example, you could press the Tab key three times to indent a line fifteen spaces from the left-hand side.



A tab may refer to any of the following:
1. In an Internet browser, a tab refers to a marker used to select additional web page(s) that have been opened within the browser window. See our tabbed browsing definition for a full explanation and examples relating to this term.

What does an Internet browser tab look like?

The following image shows two tabs at the top of the Google Chrome browser.

Helpful keyboard shortcuts related to tabbed browsing

Tipno.1 : To open a new tab in most Internet browsers, press Ctrl+T on your keyboard.
Tipno.2 : To close a single tab at a time in most Internet browsers, press Ctrl+W on your keyboard.Tipno.3: To move forward between tabs, press Ctrl+T on your keyboard; to move to the previous ones, press Ctrl+Shift+T.
Related pages

Tabbed browsing tips

A tab is an indentation at the beginning of a line of text to signify a new paragraph in a document or to help create equal spacing between multiple lines. When formatting marks are visible, tabs are represented by an arrow.

How many spaces are in a tab?

The equivalent number of spaces used to create a tab is usually five or eight spaces depending on the program being used and sometimes in the case of a word processor the font being used. However, keep in mind that a tab can be set to any value which means a tab could also be two, three, four, six, or seven spaces.
Note: A tab is only one character. In other words, when you press the tab key it is not creating several spaces in a row.
Should I use tabs or spaces for indenting?

Generally speaking, we recommend using the Tab key to create spaces because it is quicker, less prone for errors, and makes the files smaller.
In computer programming or when creating a code block in a program both tabs and spaces are valid for indentation. Some programmers swear by tabs and others swear by spaces. Our best advice is to follow the standard set by either the original programmer or by the company creating the program. If you are accustomed to spaces or tabs, you can also convert one into the other in many programs. Just make sure that you convert it back to the original standard after you have completed making your changes.

Tab in a regular expression

2.With many programming languages and when working with a regular expression, a tab is matched by using the "\t" meta-character or escape sequence. For example, with the Perl code below if the $example variable contains any tab, the script would print "I found a tab!" when ran. You can also use "\s" to find any whitespace, which means tabs or spaces would be found.

3. In a software program window and an Internet browser, a tab allows for the user to access different parts of a menu, program window, or web page. Below is an example of what tabs may look like in a Microsoft Windows setting.

Tip: Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Tab to switch left-to-right between open tabs in a document or web browser. To move back or right-to-left use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Tab.

4.The Tab is a key (shown right) located on the far left side of nearly all computer keyboards that has many uses. For example, in a word processor, they tab key may be used to insert a tab character or advance the typing cursor to the right by five characters. This key can also move between selectable items in a dialog box or switch between tabs in an Internet browser.

Where is the tab key on the keyboard?

Below is an overview of a computer keyboard with the tab key highlighted in blue.

Why is there a forward and backward arrow on Tab?

The tab key is capable of moving forwards and backward, although most people only use it to go forwards, which explains the right arrow. The left arrow is on the key because if you press Shift key and Tab at the same time, the tab is moved backward.

For example, you can press Alt+Tab to switch between open windows in Microsoft Windows and other operating systems and pressing Alt+Shift+Tab moves backward. The same is true with open tabs as mentioned earlier on this page. As far as word processors and other programs dealing with text, pressing Shift+Tab decreases the indent in most programs. With early versions of Microsoft Word, you may have to press Ctrl+Shift+M.

How is the Tab key used and its function

The Tab key is most often used to indent text on a computer. Below is a list of all of the different ways the Tab key can be used on your computer.

Indent a line of text or paragraph of text.

Pressing Alt+Tab switches between open programs on a Microsoft Windows computer.
Pressing the Ctrl+Tab switches between open documents or tabs in the program that is open.

Pressing Windows key + Tab shows available open programs in Microsoft Windows.
In most programs and computers pressing the tab moves between selectable elements. For example, you and press tab in your Internet browser now to switch between all selectable elements on this web page.

Tip: When filling out an online form if it has been setup correctly you can press the tab key to switch to the next field in the form without having to use the mouse.

5.A tab is a plastic piece used to enable/disable write protection on floppy diskette drives.
Computer floppy drive help and support.

6. When referring to a command, tabs is a Linux command that sets tabs in the terminal. See the tabs command for further information.

7. A tab is sometimes used as an abbreviation of a tablet.

Related Searchers:)

Floppy drive definitions, Indent, Keyboard, Keyboard terms, Operating system terms, Tab stop, White space


Keyboard terms

Definition of a computer keyboard
Computer keyboard keys descriptions

Top 10 Keyboard terms
  1. Input device
  2. Windows key
  3. Computer keyboard
  4. Function keys
  5. Tab
  6. Fn
  7. Scroll lock key
  8. Ctrl
  9. Underscore
  10. Hyphen

  1. 101 Keyboard
  2. 104 Keyboard
  3. 12-Key Keyboard
  4. 20-Key Keyboard
  5. 8042 Keyboard controller


  • Alt
  • Ampersand
  • Any Key
  • Apostrophe
  • Arrow Keys
  • Asterisk
  • AT Sign
  • AT Keyboard
  • Azerty


  • Back Quote
  • Backlit gaming Keyboard
  • Backslash
  • Backspace Key
  • Bang
  • Bottom row keys
  • Bracket
  • Break
  • Butterfly keyboard


  • Caps lock
  • Caret
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Case sensitive
  • Chiclet keyboard
  • Close bracket
  • Colon
  • Comma
  • Command key
  • Compose key
  • Control keys
  • CR
  • Ctrl
  • Curly bracket
  • Cursor


  • Double bucky
  • Dvorak keyboard


  • End key
  • Enhanced Keyboard
  • Enter key
  • Esc
  • Exclamation mark


  • Fat finger
  • Filter Keys
  • Fn
  • Forward slash
  • Function keys


  • Greater than
  • GT
  • GWAM
  • GWPM


  • HID
  • Home key
  • Home row keys
  • Hotkey
  • Hunt and peck
  • Hyphen


  • Input device
  • Input driver
  • Insert key


  • Key
  • Key in
  • Keyboard
  • Keyboard buffer
  • Keyboard controller
  • Keyboard layout
  • Keyboard repeat
  • Keyboard shortcut
  • Keyboard template
  • Keycap
  • Keylogger
  • Keypad
  • Keystroke


  • LT


  • Meta key
  • Modifier key
  • MouseKeys


  • Natural keyboard
  • Numeric keypad
  • NUM Lock
  • NWAM


  • Octothorpe
  • On-Screen keyboard
  • Open bracket
  • Option key
  • OSK


  • Page Down key
  • Page Up key
  • Pause key
  • PC/XT keyboard
  • Percent
  • Period
  • Pg Dn key
  • Pg Up key
  • Pipe
  • Plus
  • Pound
  • Print screen key
  • Programmable function key
  • PS/2


  • Question mark
  • Quote
  • QWERTY keyboard


  • Repeat rate


  • Scan codes 
  • Scroll lock key 
  • Semicolon
  • Shift clicking 
  • Shift key 
  • Shortcut key 
  • Single quote 
  • Spacebar 
  • Special key 
  • Sticky Keys 
  • Symbol  
  • SysRq



  • Tab keyboard keyTab
  • Togglekeys
  • Top row keys
  • Touch type
  • TTY
  • Thumb keyboard
  • Tilde
  • ToggleKeys
  • Type
  • Typematic rate


  • Underscore
  • Unprintable character


  • Wack
  • WAM
  • WASD keys
  • Whack
  • White space
  • Windows key
  • Windows keyboard
  • WPM
  • Wrist rest
  • WSAD keys

How do I change my Windows mouse cursor?

How do I change my Windows mouse cursor?

This page contains steps on how to change the appearance of one or more of the various mouse cursors in Microsoft Windows. It should be noted that some programs use their own mouse cursors and changing the Windows cursors does not always affect those used in third-party software. To proceed, choose one of the links below and follow the instructions.

  • Change single mouse cursor
  • Changing multiple mouse cursors
  • Helpful tips

Change single mouse cursor

 1. Push the Windows Key, type Change how the mouse pointer looks into the Windows search box, and press Enter.
In Windows 8, typing anywhere on the Start Screen brings up the search box automatically.2. In the Mouse Properties window that appears, click the Pointers tab.
3. On the Pointers tab (shown below), select the mouse cursor you want to change in the Customize section, then click Browse.


4. Clicking the Browse button brings up a list of every cursor installed on your hard drive.

5. After selecting a replacement mouse cursor, you should see it change in the Mouse Properties window.

6. Click Apply and then OK to save the changes.

Changing multiple mouse cursors
1. Push the Windows Key, type Change how the mouse pointer looks into the Windows search box, and press Enter.
     In Windows 8, typing anywhere on the Start Screen brings up the search box automatically.2.  In the Mouse Properties window that appears, click the Pointers tab.
3.  On the Pointers tab (shown below), click the down arrow on the box under Scheme and select another cursor scheme.

4.   Once a new scheme has been chosen, you can preview how it affects each of the various mouse pointers by scrolling through the Customize window.
5.   Once you are satisfied with your new selection, click Apply and then OK.

Helpful tips

Tip: In the Mouse Properties window, on the Pointer Options tab, you can add or adjust features for your mouse cursor, including cursor trails and the mouse speed.
Tip: If you individually change each cursor or modify a scheme with new cursors, we suggest saving your settings as a new scheme.
Tip: A mouse cursor can be a basic image or an animated image. To use an animated image as the mouse cursor, first, download the file for the animated cursor. Then, add that file to the Cursors folder on your computer, usually located in C:\Windows. Once the new file has been added, follow the steps in the first section to change a single mouse cursor.


Friday, 21 July 2017

Internet Explorer shortcut keys

Internet Explorer shortcut keys

Below is a listing of all the major shortcut keys in Microsoft Internet Explorer. See the computer shortcut page if you are looking for other shortcut keys used in other programs.

Shortcut Keys                                  Description

Alt+Left Arrow                     Back a page.
Backspace                            Back a page.
Alt+Right Arrow                    Forward a page.
F5                                        Refresh current page, frame, or tab.
F11                                       Display the current website in fullscreen mode. 

                                            Pressing F11 again will exit this mode.
Esc                                        Stop page or download from loading.
Ctrl+(- or +)                           Increase or decrease the font size, 

                                             pressing '-' will decrease and '+' will increase.
Ctrl+Enter                             Quickly complete an address. 

                                            For example, type juicerecipesonline in the address bar 
                                            and press Ctrl+Enter to get http://juicerecipesonline.org
Ctrl+D                                   Add a Favorite for the page currently opened.
Ctrl+I                                    Display available bookmarks.
Ctrl+N                                   Open New browser window.
Ctrl+P                                    Print current page or frame.
Ctrl+T                                    Opens a new tab.
Ctrl+F4                                   Closes the currently selected tab.
Ctrl+Tab                                 Moves through each of the open tabs.
Spacebar                                Moves down a page at a time.
Shift+Spacebar                       Moves up a page at a time.
Alt+Down arrow                      Display all previous text entered in a text box 

                                              or available options on drop-down menu.
Alt+D                                      Highlights the text in the address bar


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