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Sunday, 15 April 2018

When was the first keyboard invented?

When was the first keyboard invented?

As with many inventions, there were many different inventions including the typewriter, teleprinters, and keypunches that helped lead up to the modern computer keyboard we use today. The first writing devices were designed as early as the 1700s and the first to be patented was by Henry Mill in London England in 1714.

The invention of the typewriter
During the mid and late 1700s and early 1800s, several typing and writing devices were created around the world. However, the first practical typewriter and the word "Type-Writer" was first developed and patented in 1868 by Christopher Sholes and is considered to be the first typewriter. Also, the Type-Writer introduced the QWERTY layout, which is still used on almost all US keyboards today. Below is a picture of the Type-Writer that was created by Christopher Sholes, Carlos Glidden, and Samuel W. Soule.

The first keyboard to have a Shift key was introduced on the Remington No. 2 typewriter introduced in 1878 that had one Shift key on the left side of the keyboard.

The first successful modern typewriter is considered to be the Underwood typewriter that sold five million of its typewriters by 1939. The first Underwood typewriter was invented by Franz Xaver Wagner who patented the typewriter April 27, 1893, U.S. patent 523,698. One of the biggest improvements for this typewriter was the ability to see the writing as it was typed. Later with the help of John Underwood, they created the Underwood company in 1895 and released its first typewriter in 1896. In the picture to the right is a woman next to an Underwood typewriter.

By the early 1900s, typewriters from all manufacturers began to become more alike, until IBM introduced its IBM Selectric typewriter on July 27, 1961. Unlike other typewriters, it used a typeball which was small ball containing characters that would strike an ink ribbon. The typeballs were also removable, which allowed the user to clean them when needed and even change to other typeballs for a replacement or to modify the font. By 1986, more than 13 million Selectric typewriters had been sold.

The invention of the telegraph, keypunch, and teleprinter
During the late 1700s, Joseph Marie Jacquard developed the Jacquard Loom that was later expanded upon in the late 1800s and early 1900s by Herman Hollerith with his keypunch inventions.

The electrical telegraph was first invented by Pavel Schilling in 1832 and allowed for a single key to be used to send Morse code messages over a line. Later, Royal Earl House patented a printing telegraph in 1846 that used 28 piano-style keys. The keys were used to represent each letter in the alphabet and make it easier for everyone to send messages.

In 1874, Emile Baudot invented the Baudot code that was later extended by Donald Murray who invented the telegraphic typewriter that would later help become the teleprinter. Charles Krum continued on Frank Pearne work to help invent the teleprinter that was developed from 1902 to 1918. During this time he filed patent U.S. patent 862,402 in August 1907, patent 888,335 in May 1908, and patent 1,286,351 in May 1910.

First computing devices with teletype machines
The first digital computer known as the ENIAC that was completed in 1946 used a teletype machine to input data into the computer. Although much different than today's computer keyboards, the teletype machine punched holes into a punch card and then was fed into a card-reader.

Later in 1948, the BINAC computer took it a step closer to today's computers by making the teletype electromagnetically controlled which allowed the computer to input data and print results.

Early computers with keyboards
Several years later after the introduction of MULTICS in 1964 and video display terminals (VDT) that allowed users to see what they are typing on a screen as they typed.

In 1969, the Computer Terminal Corporation began shipping the DataPoint 3300 which was the first computer terminal meant to replace the teleprinter. As well as being sold as the DataPoint 3300 other versions of this terminal was also marketed as the DEC VT06 and the HP 2600A. The DataPoint 3300 used a screen display typed text and was capable of moving the cursor using arrow keys and could also clear all text to the end of the line or end of the screen.

Throughout the early 1970s, keyboards began to resemble what we use today and were heavy mechanical keyboards or converted electric typewriters from companies like IBM. However, earlier personal computers like the Altair still relied off switches on the front of the computer to input data.

In the late 1970s, Apple, Radio Shack, and Commodore all released versions of their computers with keyboards that came included with the computer and in August 1981 IBM released the IBM PC and a keyboard known as the Model F.

In 1986, IBM released the Model M keyboard that resembles what most keyboards look like today with the function keys across the top of the keyboard and is still a highly regarded keyboard even today. This keyboard introduced the 101-key standard US layout that is used today for full sized keyboards. It has also been adapted to the 104-key layout for Windows keyboards with the Windows keys and Menu keys.

Since the release of the IBM Model M keyboard there have been many changes to the keyboard we use today. One of the most significant changes is moving from a mechanical switch to a membrane. A membrane makes it much easier and cheaper to manufacturer computer keyboards. A membrane keyboard also makes the keyboard quieter, lighter, and thinner than the first mechanical keyboards.

Related Pages:)
When and who invented the first computer mouse?

When and who invented the first computer mouse?

When and who invented the first computer mouse?

The computer mouse as we know it today was invented and developed by Douglas Engelbart, with the assistance of Bill English, during the 1960's and was patented on November 17, 1970.

While creating the mouse, Douglas was working at the Stanford Research Institute in Menlo Park, California, a think tank sponsored by Stanford University. The mouse was originally referred to as an "X-Y Position Indicator for a Display System" and was first used with the Xerox Alto computer system in 1973. Using the mouse, Douglas was able to demonstrate moving a mouse cursor on the Alto computer in The Mother of All Demos. However, because of its lack of success, the first widely used mouse is the mouse found on the Apple Lisa computer.

The first computer mouse.The picture to the right was taken by Maracin Wichary at the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science and is an example of the first computer mouse. As you can see in the picture, the mouse was made of wood, was much larger than today's mouse, rectangular in size, and had a small button in the top right corner.

Today, the mouse is still used on every desktop computer and has influenced other input devices such as the touchpad on a laptop computer and touch screens on smartphones and tablets.

Why is the computer mouse called a mouse?

With the cord coming out of the back of the mouse Douglas said the device reminded him of the rodent mouse and the name stuck. It's a lot easier to remember than a X-Y Position Indicator for a Display System.

When was the first keyboard invented?

Computer Mouse

Computer Mouse

A computer mouse is a handheld hardware input device that controls a cursor in a GUI and can move and select text, icons, files, and folders. For desktop computers, the mouse is placed on a flat surface such as a mouse pad or a desk and is placed in front of your computer. The picture to the right is an example of a desktop computer mouse with two buttons and a wheel.

  • Who invented the mouse?
  • What are the functions of a mouse?
  • How has the mouse increased the computer usability?
  • Types of computer mice?
  • Computer mouse ports
  • What are the parts of a computer mouse?
  • What does a laptop use for a mouse?
  • What does a smartphone or tablet use for a mouse?
  • What hand should I use to control the mouse?
  • How can I use or practice using the mouse?
  • Mouse vs. mice or mouses
  • Is "mouse" an acronym?
  • Related mouse pages
  • Computer mouse help and support
Who invented the mouse?
The mouse was originally known as the X-Y Position Indicator for a Display System and was invented by Douglas Engelbart in 1963 while working at Xerox PARC. However, due to Alto's lack of success, the first widely used application of the mouse was with the Apple Lisa computer. Today, this pointing device is on virtually every computer.
When and who invented the first computer mouse?

What are the functions of a mouse?
Below is a list of each of the computer mouse functions that help a user use their computer and gives you an idea of all of the things a mouse is capable of doing.

Move the mouse cursor - The primary function is to move the mouse cursor on the screen.

Open or execute a program - Once you've moved the cursor to an icon, folder, or other object clicking or double clicking that object opens the document or executes the program.

Select - A mouse also allows you to select text or a file or highlight and select multiple files at once.

Drag-and-drop - Once something is selected it can also be moved using the drag-and-drop method.

Hover - Moving the mouse cursor over objects with additional hover information can help discover the function of each object on the screen. For example, hover the mouse over the hover link to see an example.

Scroll - When working with a long document or viewing a long web page you may need to scroll up or down which can be done using the mouse wheel or clicking and dragging the scroll bar.

Perform other functions - Many desktop mice also have additional buttons that can be programmed to perform any function. For example, many mice have two side buttons on the thumb portion of the mouse the button closest to the palm can be programmed to go back on web pages.

Tip: Steps and help with using the mouse and performing all of the above functions can be found on our how to use a mouse page.

How has the mouse increased computer usability?

By using a computer mouse, the user doesn't have to memorize commands, such as those utilized in a text-based command line environment like MS-DOS. For example, in MS-DOS a user would have to know the cd command and dir command and type the commands on the keyboard to navigate to a directory (folder) and view the files inside. Whereas a Windows user only has to double-click to open a folder and see its contents.

Types of computer mice

Below is a listing of all of the types of computer mice and pointing devices used with a computer. Today, for a desktop computer the most common type of mouse is an optical mouse that connects to the USB port and known as a USB mouse. For laptop computers, the most common type of mouse is the touchpad.

  • Cordless (Wireless)
  • Footmouse
  • IntelliMouse (Wheel mouse)
  • J-MouseJoystick
  • Mechanical
  • Optical
  • Touchpad (Glidepoint)
  • Trackball
  • TrackPoint
Computer mouse ports
Today, most computer mice connect to a computer using a USB port. Below is a listing of all of the type of ports and wireless connections that a mouse is capable of using or has used in the past.

  • Bluetooth
  • Infrared
  • PS/2 Port
  • Serial Port
  • USB
What are the parts of a computer mouse?
The parts of a computer mouse can vary by the type of computer mouse. Below is a general overview of the parts found on most computer mice.


Today, almost all computer mice have at least two buttons, a left button and right button for clicking and manipulating objects and text. In the past, there have been mice with only one button. For example, many of the early Apple computer mice only had one button.

Ball, Laser, or LED

A desktop mouse may contain a ball and rollers if it is a mechanical mouse or a laser or LED if it is an optical mouse. Each of these components are used to track the movement and move the mouse cursor on the screen.

Mouse wheel

Today's desktop computer mice also usually include a mouse wheel that allows you to scroll up and down on a page.

Tip: Instead of rolling the wheel if you push in on the wheel it can be used as a third button.

Circuit board

To take all the signal information, clicks, and other information being created by the mouse and input it to the computer it must also have a circuit board with integrated circuits.

Cable or wireless receiver

For a corded mouse, it also includes a cable with a plug that connects to the computer. Today, most corded mice connect to the USB port. If your computer has a wireless mouse, it needs a USB wireless receiver to receive the wireless signal and input it into the computer.

Other parts

If you're using a laptop, some of the above components mentioned earlier are not required. For example, a touchpad does not use a ball, laser, or LED to control movement it uses your finger on the touchpad. Other parts include a ball for trackball mice, extra buttons that may be on the thumb side of the mouse, and nubs that may be used with other laptop mice.

What does a laptop use for a mouse?

Because a laptop is designed for portability almost all laptops today use a touchpad as the mouse, and some Lenovo laptops still use a TrackPoint. Also, all laptop computers can have a USB corded or wireless mouse also attached to them.

What does a smartphone or tablet use for a mouse?

Smartphones and tablets use a touch screen as their primary input device, and therefore your finger is the mouse on these devices. With most tablets, you also have the option to connect a computer mouse and use it on the tablet.

What hand should I use to control the mouse?
By default, a computer mouse is setup to be used with your right-hand. However, if you are left-handed, it can be setup to be used with your left-hand.

Note: Although any mouse can be setup to be used with your left-hand keep in mind that some mice are molded to fit a right-hand and may feel uncomfortable with your left-hand.

How to change the left and right mouse buttons.

How can I use or practice using the mouse?
Below is a page we've created that explains all of the basics of the mouse, how it's held, how to connect it, and how to use it on your computer. Included in the page is interactive examples that can be used to help practice with additional information about each of the mouse features.

How to use a computer mouse.

Mouse vs. mice or mouses

When talking about one (singular) you refer to a computer mouse as a "mouse." When talking about two or more (plural), you refer to them as "mice" or "mouses" although "mice" is more standard.

Note: To help prevent confusion, some companies and writers avoid using either plural form of a mouse by referring to multiple mice as "mouse devices."

Is "mouse" an acronym?

No. Some believe that mouse is short for "manually-operated user-select equipment." However, when Douglas Engelbart helped invent the mouse, he called it a mouse because the device resembled the rodent.

Related mouse pages

How to connect and install a computer mouse.
How to use a computer mouse.
Mouse not being detected or working in Windows.
My laptop mouse touchpad is not working.
Do I need a mouse pad?
Top 10 computer mouse tips everyone should know.
Computer mouse manufacturers.
Computer mouse and other hardware tips.
Computer mouse help and support.
Click, Double-click, Hardware terms, Input device, IntelliMouse, J-Mouse, Microsoft, Mouse terms, Mouse pad, Mouse potato, Pointing device, Right-click, Serial mouse, Touchpad, Trackball, Wheel mouse

Architectural design software

Architectural design software

Architects, designers, or hobbyist can use Architectural Design Software to create overviews of a building or design a new home. If you are a professional Architect you can use 3D modeling software to show your work to clients. It's even possible to link 3D printing and architecture to 3D print an entire house. Many software packages come with libraries of 3D models and textures to choose from as well as free trials to help you decide what's best for you.

List of architectural design software
Below you will find links to some of the most popular Architectural Design Software available:

  • Revit by AutoCAD
  • SketchUp
  • AutoCAD Architecture
  • ArchiCAD by Graphisoft
  • Civil 3D by AutoCAD
  • Chief Architect
  • 3D Studio Max by AutoCAD
  • Allplan
  • Rhino3D
  • Solidworks
  • Catia



Alternatively referred to as the computer case and sometimes referred to as the system unit or base unit. The chassis is the housing that helps protect and organize all the components that make up a desktop computer. The picture is an empty computer chassis.

  • Why do we need a computer case?
  • Components found inside a chassis
  • Types of computer cases
  • Case colors
  • Related chassis pages.
  • Computer chassis help and support.

Why do we need a computer case?

Most people overlook the computer case as just a box, but it does provide the below important features.

Structure -
The case is what holds everything together in a compact and organized fashion.

Protection - Without the case, each of the sensitive components within the computer would be vulnerable to dirt, foreign objects, kids, animals, as well as electrical interference (EMI / RFI).

Cooling - The case helps keep the air properly flowing over all components, which keeps everything cool and running properly.

Noise - Many computers and components have fans that generate noise. 

Having those components within a confined case reduces the overall noise.

Aesthetics - Although some may disagree, most people would rather look at the case instead of all the circuit boards, wires, and all the components of a computer.

Components found inside a chassis
Below is a list of the different type of hardware components you would find inside your computer chassis.

Expansion card
Heat sink and Fans
Internal drives (e.g., hard drive, CD drive)
Memory (RAM)
Power supply (PSU)
Processor (CPU)

Tip: See our what does the inside of a computer look like page for a visual example of all above components.

Types of computer cases
There are many different motherboard form factors used for computers today. Below is a list of the most popular type of cases. If you're building a computer make sure you get a case that is compatible with your motherboard.

Full-sized tower
Mini-sized tower and tower
Case colors
Today, there is a wide variety of computer case colors, below is a listing of popular colors as well as a brief description on each color if needed.

Black - Standard black case.
Urban White - Offset white. Most desktop computers and computer hardware are this color.
White - White or very light color case.

Also, there are computer and case manufacturers who make their products in blue, orange, pink, red, silver, and yellow. As well as a wide range of available colors, there are also translucent cases that have a semi clear color look into the case.

Related chassis pages

 How do I open my computer case?
Listing of computer case manufacturers.
Computer chassis help and support.
1U, 2U, 3U, 4U, 5U, Bay, Bezel, Case, Case badge, Computer, Enclosure, Front panel, Hardware terms, Housing, System unit

How do I open my computer case?

How do I open my computer case?

Note: This page provides help on opening a desktop computer case, not a laptop computer case.

Caution: Before working inside a computer, disconnect all the cables including the power cable from the back of the computer. Also, make sure you're aware of the potential dangers of ElectroStatic Discharge (ESD), and take precautions to prevent it.

There is no standard for how to open a computer case, which means how you open your case depends on the manufacturer of your case and computer. Below are the three most common methods of how to open a computer case.

Before opening the case, disconnect all the cables from the back of the computer and place it on a table. Next, identify the model of chassis you're using. Below is a short list of different ways a computer case cover is held in place.

Screw - Case held on with screws.

Thumbscrew - Case with screws that require no special tools and can be tightened and loosened with your fingers. Often, these screws also have indents that allow them to also work with tools if needed.

Screwless - Case that has no screws, only held on with metal or plastic clamps that can release from the case by pressing buttons or switches.

Screw and thumbscrew computer cases

The screws, buttons, or other mechanisms to open a computer case are almost always located on the back edges of a computer. If the case has screws, these need to be removed before the case cover can be removed.

Note: Often, the power supply screws are also visible from the back of the computer. However, these are often in the middle of the back of the computer case. The screws you want to remove to open the case are always on the outer-edges of the back of the computer.

Once screws have been removed from the back of the case, push the side cover of the computer case towards the back of the computer. Either the side of the computer case will slide off, or the complete cover will be removed.

Note: If you've removed a side of the computer and cannot see the inside of the computer, it's likely the wrong side of the computer case was removed. Try removing the other side of the case to expose the inside of the computer.

Finally, some computer cases use a combination of thumbscrews and screwless mechanisms to hold the side of a computer case in place. If you only needed to remove one screw on the back of the computer, it's likely you're working with this type of case.

Screwless computer cases

There are several techniques on how computer and case manufacturers develop a screwless entry chassis. Therefore, keep in mind that the steps below may not apply to your computer case.

As mentioned earlier, screwless computer cases work by using buttons, levers, or push arms. For example, NEC, Dell, and other major computer manufacturers often use a screwless entry case. In these cases, a single thumbscrew is removed from the back right side of the computer case. To open a case like this, place the computer on its side, press in the two small levers on the top and bottom, and push the side towards the back of the case.

A screwless computer case may have similar levers that may be located in other locations, such as the bottom, back, or bottom front of the computer case.

Finally, there are also other screwless computer cases that utilize buttons often located on the front bottom portion of the computer case. Pressing this button will release the side of the case, allowing it to be removed.

Other recommendations

Finally, if after reading the above recommendations you're still unable to get inside your computer, we suggest consulting your computer or computer case manufacturer's documentation. If you did not receive any documentation or have lost it, most manufacturers have online versions of all their documentation on their website. See the third-party contacts page for a complete listing of computer and case manufacturers' contact information and websites.



A guest may refer to any of the following:

1. An account that enables a user to gain very limited access to a computer. Although some computer operating systems have default guest accounts, many times this account has to be set up manually by the administrator before it can be accessed.

Unless you plan on having unauthorized users on your computer or network, it is recommended that the guest accounts be disabled to prevent any potential security risks. This account or username is commonly one of the first accounts a potential hacker may try if he or she is unable to gain access to a higher account.

Related pages
How do I disable the Windows guest or other accounts?
Computer network and network card help and support.

2. Users visiting learne-world who are not registered on this site forum are considered guests. 

Anonymous, Network terms, Owner

How do I create a new user in Windows?

How do I create a new user in Windows?

Tip: You must have an Administrator account to create new accounts.
  • Windows 8 and Windows 10
  • Windows Vista and Windows 7
  • Windows XP

Creating a user in Windows 8 and 10

  • Open the Control Panel.
  • Click on User Accounts.
  • Click Manage another account.
  • Near the bottom of the window, click Add a new user in PC settings.
  • Click on the + for either Add a family member or Add someone else to this PC to add a new account.
Tip: During the account creation process, you can choose the type of account to create, whether a standard user or admin user.

Create a user in Windows Vista and 7

  • Open the Control Panel.
  • Click on Add or remove user accounts.
  • Click Create a new account.
  • Enter the account name you want to use and the type of account. For most accounts, we'd suggest using "Standard user".
  • Finally, click the Create Account button.
Tip: During the account creation process, you can choose the type of account to create, whether a standard user or admin user.

After the account has been created the name, password, picture, parental controls, and other settings can be changed by clicking the account in the account listing.

Creating a user in Windows XP

  • Open the Control Panel.
  • Open User Accounts.
  • In the User Accounts window click the Create a new account link.
  • Enter the name for the account and click Next.
  • Select the account type. For most accounts, we'd suggest using a "Limited account".
  • Finally, click the Create Account button.
Tip: During the account creation process, you can choose the type of account to create, whether a standard user or admin user.

After the account has been created the name, password, picture, parental controls, and other settings can be changed by clicking the account in the account listing.

Additional information

How do I switch users in Windows?
How to view users that can log into my Windows computer.
See the create and user definitions for related information and links.
Microsoft Windows help and support.



An account is a membership with a multiple-user network, online service, computer, or other service that keeps track of personal information and settings. For example, when you create an account on the Computer Hope forums you can enter information about your computer, keep track of posts, and send private messages to other members.

Related pages

How do I create a new user in Windows?
Computer network and network card help and support.



A bezel may refer to any of the following:

1. In general, a bezel is the surrounding casing of an object. For example, the plastic edge around the screen on your monitor is considered the bezel.

2. On a computer case the bezel or front panel is a removable plastic panel that covers the front of the computer and any empty drive bays. The bezel helps give the computer a more appealing look and easy access to power on, sleep, or reset the computer.



Valve logoSoftware developer of such software games as Half-life, Counter-strike, and Day of Defeat.

Contact information

Phone:    (425) 889-9642

Fax:    (425) 827-4843

TDD:    None or unknown

Website:    http://www.valvesoftware.com/


E-mail:    Valve contact page

Address:    PO BOX 1688

Bellevue, WA 98009

Stock:    None or unknown

Companies selling similar products

Computer game developers


Company News
September 12, 2003 - Valve introduces Steam

November 19, 1998 - Valve Half-Life a popular FPS game is released.



In a technical sense, a server is an instance of a computer program that accepts and responds to requests made by another program, known as a client. Less formally, any device that runs server software could be considered a server as well. Servers are used to manage network resources. For example, a user may setup a server to control access to a network, send/receive e-mail, manage print jobs, or host a website.

Some servers are committed to a specific task, often referred to as dedicated. As a result, there are a number of dedicated server categories, like print servers, file servers, network servers, and database servers. However, many servers today are shared servers which can take on the responsibility of e-mail, DNS, FTP, and even multiple websites in the case of a web server.

Because they are commonly used to deliver services that are required constantly, most servers are never turned off. Consequently, when servers fail, they can cause the network users and company many problems. To alleviate these issues, servers are commonly high-end computers setup to be fault tolerant.

Examples of servers
The following list contains links to various server types.

Application server
Blade server
Cloud server
Database server
Dedicated server
File server
Mail server
Print server
Proxy server
Standalone server
Web server

How to clean a computer hard drive

How to clean a computer hard drive

A hard drive for a desktop or laptop computer has external casing that is very durable and strong, making it difficult to damage. The casing also helps to protect the internal components from dust, dirt, and moisture.

Cleaning the inside of a hard drive is not necessary, due to how tight the outside casing is put together. Even if you wanted to try cleaning the drive, dismantling the drive to get at the inside is quite difficult and would result in a non-functional hard drive. The casing is put together using special rivets in most cases and not designed to be removed and put back together.

Typically the only time a hard drive is dismantled is for the purposes of retrieving data off the magnetic platters inside the drive, where data is stored on. Companies that specialize in data retrieval may dismantle a hard drive to access these platters. There is no attempt at putting the hard drive back together after the data retrieval is completed. Once dismantled, the drive is rendered unusable.

Someone said to clean my hard drive to speed up the computer.

If someone wants you to clean the hard drive, they are referring to uninstalling old software, deleting temporary files, removing Registry errors. This action may also refer to running ScanDisk and Defrag to maximize your hard drive's space.

  • How to regain computer hard drive space.
  • My computer is running slow what steps can I do to fix it?

I want to erase everything and start over as if the computer is new

If you want to clean the hard drive from all installed programs, drivers, and other software and get it back to as when you first purchased the computer you can follow the steps below.

  • How to erase my hard drive and start over.
What about a Solid-state drive (SSD)?

An SSD could be cleaned, but there is no reason. Since an SSD has no moving parts or anything that could encounter problems because of dust, dirt, or hair and because it is contained in a casing there should be no reason clean the drive.

Photofunia: How to Edit your Photos for Fun

Photofunia: How to Edit your Photos for Fun

If you are not a professional designer or a mad Photoshop fun, you might barely know how to use this tool. At the same time we all want to have beautiful photos to share with friends and family members on social networks. That’s where PhotoFunia.com can help you. It’s a simple online editor that lets you easily turn your pictures in amazing masterpiece. And what’s even better, PhotoFunia is absolutely free. Continue reading this post and learn to edit your pics and add effects in just three simple steps.


Step 1: Choose a Category in the left corner and then an effect to apply.

 Step 2: When a new page opens, click on the Choose Photo grey button. Select a photo from your local drive, take a new one with your PC camera or choose a pic from free stock photos. If there is some text to modify, let your imagination work. 

Step 3: Choose the area of the photo to use and click Crop.

Step 4: As soon as you are done, click orange Go button.

In a few seconds you’ll see your edited picture. There are three sizes available for downloading: small, regular and large ones. Alternatively, you can order a printed version of your photo or a souvenir with it. It can be a phone case, a mousepad, a pillow, or any other item from the store.


As you can see, the procedure of photo editing is not difficult at all. Now let’s have a look at pros and cons of PhotoFunia.


An impressive number of different effects. You can add over 450 filters to your image, put it on the billboard or a magazine cover or make yourself a zombie or a caribbean pirate.
All the effects look quite professional and the outcome images may be inspiring presents for your relatives and friends.
HD resolution for some effects.
User-friendly interface with clear categories.
You can share the image on social media.
New effects appear every week.
You can order souvenirs and postcards with your pictures.
No registration or payment is required so photo editing is absolutely free.
JPEG, PNG formats supported


If you want to alter a “heavy” picture, it will take some time.
You’d better not use photos with large-scale faces or details as they look clumsy after altering.
If the picture is ready, you can’t go one step before and alter a tiny detail, you will have to start from the very beginning.
What’s great about PhotoFunia is that it has free apps for all possible mobile platforms starting from popular iOS and Android and ending up with Firefox OS and Sailfish OS. Here are the detailed how-to guides for iPhone and Android phones.


your Photos for Fun

If you are not a professional designer or a mad Photoshop fun, you might barely know how to use this tool. At the same time we all want to have beautiful photos to share with friends and family members on social networks. That’s where PhotoFunia.com can help you. It’s a simple online editor that lets you easily turn your pictures in amazing masterpiece. And what’s even better, PhotoFunia is absolutely free. Continue reading this post and learn to edit your pics and add effects in just three simple steps.

Photoscape: Free Software to Edit your Photos Easily


Step 1: Choose a Category in the left corner and then an effect to apply.

PhotoFunia effects
Step 2: When a new page opens, click on the Choose Photo grey button. Select a photo from your local drive, take a new one with your PC camera or choose a pic from free stock photos. If there is some text to modify, let your imagination work.

PhotoFunia how to use
Step 3: Choose the area of the photo to use and click Crop.

PhotoFunia how to use
Step 4: As soon as you are done, click orange Go button.


In a few seconds you’ll see your edited picture. There are three sizes available for downloading: small, regular and large ones. Alternatively, you can order a printed version of your photo or a souvenir with it. It can be a phone case, a mousepad, a pillow, or any other item from the store.

photofunia printed

As you can see, the procedure of photo editing is not difficult at all. Now let’s have a look at pros and cons of PhotoFunia.


An impressive number of different effects. You can add over 450 filters to your image, put it on the billboard or a magazine cover or make yourself a zombie or a caribbean pirate.
All the effects look quite professional and the outcome images may be inspiring presents for your relatives and friends.
HD resolution for some effects.
User-friendly interface with clear categories.
You can share the image on social media.
New effects appear every week.
You can order souvenirs and postcards with your pictures.
No registration or payment is required so photo editing is absolutely free.
JPEG, PNG formats supported

If you want to alter a “heavy” picture, it will take some time.
You’d better not use photos with large-scale faces or details as they look clumsy after altering.
If the picture is ready, you can’t go one step before and alter a tiny detail, you will have to start from the very beginning.
What’s great about PhotoFunia is that it has free apps for all possible mobile platforms starting from popular iOS and Android and ending up with Firefox OS and Sailfish OS. Here are the detailed how-to guides for iPhone and Android phones.


Step 1: First of all, download free PhotoFunia app from the AppStore.
Step 2: Launch the app on your iPhone.
Step 3: Browse through effect categories and choose a category and an effect the one you like.
Step 4: Tap Choose photo and select a picture from your album or camera roll.
Step 5: Tap Go orange button and wait till the effect takes place.
Step 6: Tap the sharing button and choose what size you want to download your picture in. The new pic will be saved in your Camera Roll.
If you want, you can then send the photo to your friends or upload it to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or any other social network.



Computer memory is any physical device capable of storing information temporarily or permanently. For example, Random Access Memory (RAM), is a volatile memory that stores information on an integrated circuit used by the operating system, software, and hardware.
  • What does computer memory look like?
  • Volatile vs. non-volatile memory
  • What happens to memory when the computer is turned off?
  • Memory is not disk storage
  • How is memory used
  • Why is memory important or needed for a computer?
  • Types of RAM
  • Related memory pages.
  • Computer memory help and support.

What does computer memory look like?


Below is an example picture of a 512 MB DIMM computer memory module. This memory module connects to the memory slot on a computer motherboard.

Volatile vs. non-volatile memory
Memory can be either volatile and non-volatile memory. Volatile memory is a memory that loses its contents when the computer or hardware device loses power. Computer RAM is an example of a volatile memory and is why if your computer freezes or reboots when working on a program, you lose anything that hasn't been saved. Non-volatile memory, sometimes abbreviated as NVRAM, is a memory that keeps its contents even if the power is lost. EPROM is an example of a non-volatile memory.

What happens to memory when the computer is turned off?
As mentioned above because memory (RAM) is a volatile memory when the computer loses power anything stored in RAM is lost. For example, as you are working on creating a document it is stored in RAM if it is not saved to a non-volatile memory (e.g., the hard drive) it would be lost if the computer lost power.

Memory is not disk storage

It is very common for new computer users to be confused by what parts in the computer are memory. Although both the hard drive and RAM are memory, it is more appropriate to refer to RAM as "memory" or "primary memory" and a hard drive as "storage" or "secondary storage."

When someone asks how much memory is in your computer, it is often between 1 GB and 16 GB of Random Access Memory (RAM) and several hundred gigabytes of even a terabyte of hard disk drive storage. In other words, you always have more hard drive space than RAM.

How can I learn more about computers?

How is memory used

When a program such as your Internet browser is open, it is loaded from your hard drive and placed into RAM, which allows that program to communicate with the processor at higher speeds. Anything you save to your computer, such as a picture or video, is sent to your hard drive for storage.

Why is memory important or needed for a computer?

All of devices on a computer do not operate at the same speed and computer memory gives your computer a place to quickly access data. If the CPU had to wait for a secondary storage device like a hard disk drive the computer would be much slower.

Types of RAM

Some of the more common types of memory chips for computers are listed below.

  • DDR2 RAM
  • DDR3 RAM
  • DDR4 RAM
These types of memory all fall into the general categories of SIMM or DIMM.

Related memory pages
Determining how much RAM is installed and available.
How much memory or RAM should my computer have?
Determining available hard drive space.
Memory buying tips
Computer memory manufacturers.
Computer memory help and support.
GDDR, Memory capacity, Memory terms, RAM, Primary storage, Processing device, ReadyBoost, TSR, Virtual memory, Volatile memory



Steam is a digital distribution platform introduced by Valve on September 12, 2003 that allows anyone to download games and updates. What makes Steam different than most other digital distributed platforms is that it allows both large and small game developers to sell their games. Steam supports mods, has a community of several million other players, and offers many free games.

Related pages
Official Steam page: http://store.steampowered.com/
Game terms, Garry's Mod

How can I play Quake on the Internet?

How can I play Quake on the Internet?

If you are looking to play Quake online, follow the steps below.

Start by running Qlaunch from Windows. This enables you to play with other players over the Internet using TCP/IP.
Go into multiplayer and select TCP/IP, now enter an IP address or server address, which should look similar to: quake.xmission.com.
If the server is not responding, it may not be up or has been shutdown. There are also various locations on the Internet that contain a listing of Quake servers that can be found by doing a search.

Additional information
Why is my online game so slow?

Network terms



  • Quake overview
  • Getting Nightmare
  • Screenshots
  • Console Commands
  • Cheat Codes
  • Technical support
Quake overview
QuakeType: Action
ESRB Rating: Mature
Release Date: 6/22/1996
Developer: id Software
Publisher: GT Interactive (PC), MacSoft (Mac), Publishing USA (Linux)

From the creators of the DOOM series comes the next series of first person shooting games, Quake.

In Quake, the player now has the capability of looking in every direction imaginable, a new assortment of weapons, new levels and even more intense multiplayer with easier capability of playing against friends and other competitors across the Internet. With Quake you can also create maps, skins, and other aliments.

System Requirements: Microsoft Windows - Apple - Linux

Getting NightmareYou may or may have not noticed that there is no option to play Quake in Nightmare mode.

To get into Nightmare:

Start in Normal skill mode.
Go into the 4th episode, but don't get into the time portal.
When you fall out of the water, go to the console and type in Fly.
Go up, turn left, and enter the doorway, or step into the water, but don't fall through.
Swim all the way against the wall on the same side you enter the water (where the shield is in deathmatch).
Now fall through and you will land on the rafter.
Walk on the rafter right into the Nightmare entrance.


 Console Commands
BF - flashes the screen green
GAMMA - gamma correct, 1 is default, less than 1 is brighter more than 1 is darker
R_CLEARCOLOR - color of clear sides
R_ALIASSTATS - debugging
R_DMABUF - ???????
R_DRAWENTITIES 0|1 - draw entities (objects)
R_DRAWFLAT - ???????
R_DRAWORDER 0|1 - weird when set to
1 R_DSPEEDS 0|1 - debugging
R_EDGECOUNT 0|1 - debugging
R_FULLBRIGHT - light amp goggles :)
R_GRAPHHEIGHT - height of r_timegraph
R_SHOWPOLYS - highlight polygons
R_SHOWVERTS - ???????
R_SPEEDS 0|1 - debugging
R_TIMEGRAPH 0|1 - some sort of graph showing amount of calculations that are being done
R_WAVE 0|1 - underwater mode!
SIZEDOWN - shrink the screen
SIZEUP - enlarge the screen
TIMEREFRESH - spins around and gives you the framerate
VID_DESCRIBECURRENTMODE - describes current mode, see video.txt
VID_DESCRIBEMODES - lists video modes, see video.txt
VID_NUMMODES - counts the number of modes, see video.txt
VID_TESTMODE - tests a videomode, see video.txt
VID_WAIT - sets video adapter waiting, see video.txt

DECIMATE_SFX - decimate a cached sound, see sound.txt
GRABEXTSND - ???????
NOSOUND - no sound, see sound.txt
NUMCHANNELS - set the number of channels, see sound.txt
PLAY - play a sound, see sound.txt
PLAYVOL - play a sound with volume, see sound.txt
SAVESND - save a sound, see sound.txt
SBINFO - sound blaster info, see sound.txt
SFX_ASYNCH - enables asynchronous sound?
SOUND - some sort of sound control
SOUNDINFO - displays info on sound system, see sound.txt
SOUNDLIST - list sounds, sound.txt
SND_TIMING - displays sound timing info
STOPSOUND - disables sound

BIND - keyboard setup, see readme.txt
CL_BACKSPEED - speed of backwards movement, see readme.txt
CL_FORWARDSPEED - speed of forward movement, see readme.txt
CL_SIDESTEP - speed of strafing, see readme.txt
CL_UPSPEED - upwards movement speed (for flying)
CL_YAWSPEED - turning speed
COLOR - character color, see readme.txt

4 = RED
5 = GOLD
11 = AQUA

FLY [ON|OFF] - switch on flying mode
GOD [ON|OFF] - God mode

IMPULSE# - get a weapon (as follows)

0 - Nothing for now
1 - Select shotgun
2 - Select supershotgun
3 - Select nailgun
4 - Select chainnailgun
5 - Select grenade launcher
6 - Select rocket launcher
7 - Nothing for now
8 - Nothing for now
9 - Get all weapons and maximal ammo

<-/+>CTS - sets "clear to send"
<-/+> DSR - sets "data set ready"
<-/+> CD - sets "carrier detect"
8250 - selects the 8250 uart
16550 - selects the 16550 uart
ANSWER - selects answer the phone/server mode
BAUD - sets the baud rate to n
CONNECT - connect in multiplayer, Click here.txt
COM# - setup com port, Click here.txt
DIAL - selects client mode
DISABLE - disables com ports
ENABLE - enables com ports
FRAGLIMIT - number of frags in a network game, see readme.txt
HOST_SPEEDS - display the hosts speed
HOST_FRAMERATE - sets the speed from 0-0.01 IRQ - sets the com ports interrupt to n
KILLSERVER - kills the server and ends the game
MESSAGEMODE - send messages in multiplayer
NAME - multiplayer name, see readme.txt
NET_STATS - network status
PORT - sets the com ports port address to n
RESET - resets the com port
SAY - message in multiplayer?
SHUTDOWN - sets the modem shutdown string
SLIST - server list, see readme.txt
STARTUP - sets the modem startup string
TEAMPLAY - co-op mode
TIMELIMIT - timelimit for multiplayer, see readme.txt

ALIAS - substitutes one command for another
CLEAR - clear the console
ECHO - echo string onto console (useless)
ENTITES - turn on monsters ?
EXEC - run a configuration file, see readme.txt
PROFILE - displays profiling info
SCR_CONSPEED - speed that the console scrolls
STATUS - displays status about the game in progress
TOGGLECONSOLE - same as <esc> key
VERSION - displays build version
KILL - restart a level
LOOKSPRING - centres freelook, see readme.txt
MAP - load a level, see readme.txt
MOUSE# - assign mouse buttons, see readme.txt
NOCLIP [ON|OFF] - no clipping!
NOTARGET - toggles auto-target
PAUSE - pause the game
PAUSEABLE 0|1 - ability to pause the game in multiplayer
QUIT - quit
RECORD - record a demo
RESTART - restarts a level
SCREENSHOT - screenshot
SENSITIVITY - mouse sensitivity, see readme.txt
SV_FRICTION - friction of player
SV_GRAVITY - sets gravity
SV_MAXSPEED - maximum speed of player
SV_NOSTEP 0|1 - if this is on (SV_NOSTEP 1) you cannot walk up stairs
SV_STOPSPEED - how much you skid around the plane

Cheat Codes

All of these commands are going to be typed through the console which you access by hitting the tilde (~) on your keyboard.




When referring to a software program, an exploit is a program or set of instructions designed to take advantage of a vulnerability in a program.

Related pages

How can I protect myself while online?
Computer security questions and answers.
Bug, Cheat, Security terms



An individual who remains in one position for the majority of a match in a computer game is known as a camper. Taking on the role of a camper allows a player to pick off other players who come near them, without being spotted. It can also give an individual an advantage over other players because they can guard an item or objective point easier.

In-game example
In the computer game Quake, players may position themselves on a platform with the rail gun, allowing them to shoot other players without allowing those players to fight back. Usually, a player who camps too much is looked down upon by the other players.

Related Pages:)

AIMBOT, Game terms, Spawn camping



Alternatively referred to as pop and spawn, respawn is a gaming term first used in the game Doom to describe a computer or human-controlled character coming back to life after being killed. For human-controlled characters, the respawn rate is often immediate; returning them to a designated spawning point or one of a few randomly generated spots.

For computer players and computer generated objects, a respawn can be delayed from a few minutes to several hours depending on the rarity of the character or object. In MMORPG games, such as World of Warcraft, the locations of these spawn points are often logged by the players or mods the players have installed.

Golden disc

Golden disc

A golden disc is a term that describes a blank compact disc used to produce a copy of another CD or to store data on a CD.

Related pages

Computer CD-ROM and disc drive help and support.
CD terms, Gold, Gold Master



Software program that helps prevent users from cheating in online games if the user has PunkBuster installed on their computer and is connected to a PunkBuster or PB server. To help prevent players from bypassing or not running PunkBuster, many game servers require your computer to be running the same version of PunkBuster. Computers that are not running the same version will not be able to join the server or be kicked from the server after joining.

Related pages
The official PunkBuster website can be found at: http://www.punkbuster.com/

Aimbot, Cheat, Game terms, VAC

How to find out when a new game is going to be released

How to find out when a new game is going to be released

A new games release date is all determined by the game developer. Check with the developer for any release date and news on the status of the game. Because many companies have missed their announced released dates, today most companies will not give an exact date and at best may only mention what year the game will be released.

Phase of development

The phase of development of a game is a clue to when a game may be released. If the game is in alpha or internal testing, the game likely has more than one year left in development. If the game is in beta or public beta testing, the game is closer to being released, but may still be at least a year depending on how many problems are found during testing.

A release date is never a guarantee

Although most companies try to be as accurate as possible with their release dates, a release date is never a guarantee of when you'll be able to get the game. The only time you can be sure is when the company has announced it has created a golden disc of the game, which is the final copy of the game used for duplication.

Additional information
See our alpha and beta testing definitions for further information and related links.
Computer game help and support.

Why is my online game so slow?

Why is my online game so slow?

A game's online performance can be attributed to many factors. Below is a listing of some of the different causes of why an online game may be slow or laggy.

Connection speed

If you are using a modem to connect and play online games you are going to notice a much higher ping then other players who may have a better connection than you. If you have a broadband connection and are experiencing lag test your Internet connection to see what your throughput is.

How fast is my Internet?

Testing your connection speed can be helpful to determine if your if the slow connection is because of your connection or the server connection.


Where a server is located, its connection type and speed, as well as how many players are currently using it, all affect the online gaming experience. Below are a few recommendations to try.

See if all users are experiencing high pings or high latency. Often if all users are slow it is likely the server is a slow computer or has too many players for the connection being used.

Try an alternate server. Servers can be located anywhere in the world and if the server you are playing on is in another country it can affect your connection speed with some games.

Play the game at a different time of day. If the game's server is being utilized for more multiple titles or other tasks it could be currently experiencing a heavy work load, which lowers performance.

Verify you have the latest updates for your game, as well as the operating system you are using to play the games on. Often updating the game to the latest version, updating the hardware drivers, and updating the operating system can improve a game's performance offline and online.

More complex environment

When entering an area with other online players, the stress on your computer increases because of the requirements needed to load each of the characters and their actions. If your computer's performance decreases when there are other players on your screen, reduce the video quality of your game through the "Settings" or "Display Settings" in the game.

How do I view the ping in an online game?

Many online games have a feature that can be enabled or disabled and allows you to see the ping or latency of your connection with the game server. Unfortunately, where this information is located and how to enable/disable it is all dependent on the game. See your documentation or ask other players in the game how to display this setting.

How do I know if my ping is high?
As mentioned above, the higher the ping or latency value the worse your connection. However, whether or not it is high when compared with other users on the same server depends on the game and the server. Some online games have color coded ping/latency/connection indicators. For example, red for bad (high ping), yellow for ok, and green for good (fast or low ping).

Can I manually change my ping?
Some games allow you to manually specify the ping or there may be hacks that allow you to change your ping. However, this is only changing what is being displayed and will in no way improve your ping. However, it may allow your computer to connect to a server that requires a low ping.

Not enough video memory
With games in general, if your computer does not have enough video memory to properly render and display the game screen, the game will be slower to respond and appear laggy.

For online games, low video memory can result in very slow game performance and lag because the computer has trouble rendering the game graphics.

To improve video performance, try reducing the quality through the game's "Video Settings". If you don't want to reduce the game's video quality, you may need to replace the video card with a more powerful one.

Additional information

Why is my overall Internet connection so slow?
See our slow definition for all links relating to slow computers.
Computer game help and support.

Microsoft DOS diskpart command

Microsoft DOS diskpart command

  • About diskpart
  • Availability
  • Diskpart syntax
  • Diskpart examples

About diskpart

The diskpart command is a recovery console command that enables a user to delete and create partitions on their computer.


The diskpart command is a recovery console and external command that is available in the below Microsoft operating systems.

Windows 2000
Windows XP
Windows Vista
Windows 7
Windows 8
Windows 10

Diskpart syntax

  • Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10 diskpart command syntax
  • Recovery Console diskpart command syntax
Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10 diskpart command syntax

Microsoft DiskPart version 6.1.7601
Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Microsoft Corporation.
On computer: xxxxxxxxxxx

Microsoft DiskPart syntax:
diskpart [/s <script>] [/?]


Typing diskpart from an elevated command prompt will enter the "DISKPART>" prompt. From this prompt, the below commands are available. These commands are also available from a DiskPart script.

ACTIVE                Mark the selected partition as active.
                    Add a mirror to a simple volume.
               Assign a drive letter or mount point to the selected volume.
ATTRIBUTES        Manipulate volume or disk attributes.
ATTACH               Attaches a virtual disk file.
AUTOMOUNT        Enable and disable automatic mounting of basic volumes.
             Break a mirror set.
CLEAN          Clear the configuration information, or all information, off the disk.
COMPACT        Attempts to reduce the physical size of the file.
CONVERT        Convert between different disk formats.
CREATE          Create a volume, partition, or virtual disk.
DELETE           Delete an object.
DETAIL            Provide details about an object.
DETACH          Detaches a virtual disk file.
EXIT               Exit DiskPart.
EXTEND            Extend a volume.
EXPAND             Expands the maximum size available on a virtual disk.
FILESYSTEMS    Display current and supported file systems on the volume.
FORMAT            Format the volume or partition.
GPT                Assign attributes to the selected GPT partition.
HELP                Display a list of commands.
IMPORT           Import a disk group.
INACTIVE         Mark the selected partition as inactive.
LIST                 Display a list of objects.
MERGE             Merges a child disk with its parents.
             Online an object that is currently marked as offline.
             Offline an object that is currently marked as online.
RECOVER         Refreshes the state of all disks in the selected pack. 

                      Attempts recovery on disks in the invalid pack, and 
                      resynchronizes mirrored volumes and RAID5 volumes that have         
stale plex or parity data.
REM    Does nothing and is used to comment scripts.
REMOVE    Remove a drive letter or mount point assignment.
REPAIR    Repair a RAID-5 volume with a failed member.
RESCAN    Rescan the computer looking for disks and volumes.
RETAIN    Place a retained partition under a simple volume.
SAN    Display or set the SAN policy for the currently booted OS.
SELECT    Shift the focus to an object.
SETID    Change the partition type.
SHRINK    Reduce the size of the selected volume.
UNIQUEID    Displays or sets the GUID partition table (GPT) identifier or master boot record (MBR) signature of a disk.

Recovery Console diskpart command syntax

Creates and deletes partitions on a hard drive. The below diskpart command information is only available when you are using the Recovery Console.

diskpart [/add | /delete] [device_name | drive_name | partition_name] [size]

Diskpart examples


Typing diskpart without any additional switches or options opens a new DISKPART> prompt and allows all the above commands to be entered. For example, while at the DISKPART> prompt, you can type LIST DISK and get an output similar to the example below.

Note: When entering the diskpart command in some versions of Windows, you may receive a UAC warning. You must accept this warning before diskpart can open.

Tip: To exit the DISKPART> prompt, type exit and press Enter.

diskpart /delete D:

In the above example, the D: partition would be deleted.

diskpart /add \Device\HardDisk0 20

In the above example, a 20 MB partition would be created on the HardDisk0 device.

Tip: The drive name is obtained from the map command.

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