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Showing posts with label Linux jobs command. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Linux jobs command. Show all posts

Monday 4 September 2017

Linux jobs command

Linux jobs command

About jobs

Lists the status of all running jobs.

jobs syntax

                 jobs [-lnprs] [JOBSPEC ...]


JOBSPEC                    Job name or number.
-l                 Lists process IDs in addition to the normal information.
-n                List only processes that have changed status since the last 

-p                Lists process IDs only.
-r                 Restrict output to running jobs.
-s                 Restrict output to stopped jobs.

jobs examples

Displays all running jobs. Output is similar to the following:

              [1] + Stopped (user) top

Here, the job number 1 has been suspended by the user, and the process in this case is the top utility.

              jobs -l

When supplied the -l option, jobs displays process IDs in addition to job number, similar to the following output:

[3] 16882 Running ./chsearchproc (wd: ~/public_html/cgi-bin/chsearch) 

Related commands

at             — Schedule a command to be run at a certain time.
csh           — The C shell command interpreter.
kill            — Send a signal to a process, affecting its behavior or killing it.
ksh           — The Korn shell command interpreter.
ps             — Report the status of a process or processes.
sh — The Bourne shell command interpreter.

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