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Showing posts with label Apple Macintosh shortcut keys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Apple Macintosh shortcut keys. Show all posts

Sunday, 15 April 2018

Key, Apple Macintosh shortcut keys, Basic PC shortcut keys, Keyboard Shortcuts,


A key may refer to any of the following:

1. When referring to a computer keyboard, a key is a single button on the keyboard. Letters, numbers, functions, and symbols are all represented on keys. For example, the picture shows the Windows key a keyboard key found on most keyboards today.

Full list of keyboard keys and their explanations.

Not all keys on keyboard work.

How many keys are on a computer keyboard?

Computer keyboard help and support.

2. A key is also a tool used to lock and unlock a computer, computer drive or other computer related device. If you have lost the key to your computer device, we cannot help you to recover it. Contact the manufacturer of the product that is locked.

3. When referring to the computer Microsoft Windows Registry, a Registry key, or key for short, is a term used to identify an item in the Registry, such as HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.

4. The term key or keyed may also be used to describe a cable with physical dimensions that causes a cable such as a ribbon cable to be connected only one direction. In some rare cases this may prevent a cable from being properly connected to a drive. For example, the manufacturer of a floppy disk drive may have keyed their connection differently than the cable manufacturer has. In this situation, the user may either be required to purchase a different brand of cable or floppy drive, or modify the key on the cable.

5. When referring to encryption a key is a set of instructions that is used to encrypt and decrypt data.

6. When referring to a unique number or identification a key is sometimes used to describe a CD-Key or Serial Key.

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Apple Macintosh shortcut keys

Apple Macintosh shortcut keys
Note that not all of the below shortcut keys will work in all versions of macOS.
Note: You may be able to use the Command key in place of the "Open Apple" key in the shortcuts below for later versions of macOS.

Open Apple+Down                    Opens the selected icon.
Shift+Click                               Select the icon and add it to the set of those selected.
Tab                                          Highlight the next icon inside the folder, in alphabetical                            order.
Shift+Tab                                 Highlight the previous icon inside the 
                                               folder, in alphabetical order.
Left arrow                               Used when viewing by icon to select the icon to the left of the one                                   highlighted.
Right arrow                             Used when viewing by icon to select icon to the right of the one                                         highlighted.
Up arrow                                 Used to select the icon above the one currently 
Down arrow                             Used to select the icon below the one currently 
Apple+?                                   Mac help
Open Apple+E                          Eject
Open Apple+Shift+Up Arrow     Used to direct the input focus to the desktop level.
Open Apple+M                          Minimize window
Open Apple+N                          New finder window
Open Apple+Shift+N                 New folder
Open Apple+W                         Close the current window.
Open Apple+C                          Copy the selected item to the clipboard.
Open Apple+X                          Cut the selected item.
Open Apple+V                          Paste item from the clipboard
Open Apple+L                          Make alias
Open Apple+R                          Show original item
Open Apple+T                          Add to favorites
Open Apple+O                          Open the selected icon.
Open Apple+F                          Display the find dialog box.
Open Apple+G                          Repeat the last find operation.
Open Apple+Shift+G                 Takes a snapshot of the screen and saves it to a PICT file.
Command+A                            Select all text and objects
Command+B                            Change selected text to boldface
Command+F                            Open the Find window
Command+I                             Italicize the selected text
Command+P                            Open the Print dialog window
Command+U                            Underline the selected text
Command+Shift+P                    Open the Page Setup window, to change document 
Command+Shift+Control+3       Capture screenshot of current screen and save to the 

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