Tuesday 31 July 2018

MS Word Advance Keyboard Shortcuts

Advance MS Word Shortcuts

MS Word Advance Keyboard Shortcuts


Ctrl+]=Font Size Increase

Ctrl+[=Font Size Decrease

Ctrl+Shift+D=Double Underline

Ctrl+End=Go to End of the File

Ctrl+Home=Go to Starting of the File

Ctrl+Shift+  Superscript X2

Ctrl+=Subscript H20

Ctrl+Shift+C=Format Copy

Ctrl+Shift+V=Format Paste

F5=Go To

F12=Save As

Ctrl+Shift+<=Font Size Decrease

Ctrl+Shift+>=Font Size Increase

Ctrl+Mouse scroll Button=Zoom In/Zoom Out

F7=Spelling & Grammar Check

Alt+F4=Close any Program

Alt+Ctrl+S =Split the document window

Alt+Shift+D =Insert current date

Alt+Shift+T = Insert time

Shift+Arrow Keys=Select Text

Shift+Home=Select Line form End to Start

Shift+End=Select Line from Start to End

Window Key+M= Minimize window

Window Key+D= Minimize window

Alt+Tab= To Switch Between One Program to another Program

Double Click=To Select any Word

Triple Click= To Select any Paragraph


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