Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Working with HTML

Working with HTML

Communication is the transfer of information from one person to another and is essential in day-to-day life. These days computers are being used for communication. A computer can be made more efficient by connecting it with other computers.

A group of computer and other devices, such as printer when connected by cables and other hardware is referred to as a network of computers. A computer network contains a group of computers that can communicate with one another.


The internet is a network of networks where more than a million computers are connected to one another. It is vast source of information available to people across the world. The internet enables us to communicate with other computer users across the world and can be used to access the latest information on any topic.

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WWW stands for WORLD WIDE WEB. It is a collection of millions of pages of text, pictures, sounds and animation. These pages are stored on different computers that are connected to internet. These pages are known as web pages. Collections of related web pages are known as website. WWW can be accessed through the web browsers. The first page of a website is called a Home Page.


Web pages can be created using HTML, also called as the Internet Language. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. Hypertext refers to the content in a webpage that includes text, pictures and sound. HTML is an improved version of Standard Generalized Markup language (SGML). 
Tim Berners Lee -
Tim Berners-Lee is currently the Director of the
World Wide Web Consortium, the group that
sets technical standard for the Web.

Tim Berners-Lee designed the original HTML document type in 1990. In 1994, Dan Connolly and Karen Olson Muldrow rewrote the HTML speciafication.

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Creating HTML Document

To create HTML document, we need a text editor, such as Notepad, to type HTML codes and a web browser to view the HTML document.

Web Browser

It is a software program used for accessing web sites for information on an Internet. The commonly used browsers are:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer
  • Netscape navigator
  • Opera
  • Mozilla Firefox
Steps for creating HTML document

  • Open Notepad
  • Type HTML codes as shown:
  • Select File - Save As
  • Save As dialog box will appear.

  • Enter the name of the file, for example First, with the extension.htm or .html in the file name box.
  • Click Save button.

Viewing the HTML Document

  • Open a Web browser.
  • Select File - Open
  • The open dialog box appears
  • Click the Browse button.
  • The Microsoft Internet Explorer dialog box appears
  • Select the HTML file to be opened.
  • Click the Open button.
  • Then Open dialog box will reappear.
  • Click OK to open the file in Internet Explorer.



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