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Thursday, 29 June 2017

Computer memory (RAM) buying tips

Computer memory (RAM) buying tips.

Computer memory is one of the most commonly purchased and performed computer upgrades. Below is a listing of different considerations and tips to look for when purchasing computer memory.
What type of memory does my computer need?

How much memory should I get?

This question depends on the computer user you are, what programs you plan on running on the computer, and how many programs you have open at a given time. One of the best methods of determining how much RAM you should have is to look at the system requirements of the programs you're running on your computer and double whatever the memory requirements are for the program you use most. However, below is the general recommendation for memory we'd suggest your computer has for today's programs and operating systems.

Minimum: 2GB
Recommended: 8GB
Excellent: 8GB or more.
What should be expected

Upgrading the computer system memory may have the below effects on the computer.
Allow for programs that may require steeper memory requirements to be ran.
Help the computer or computer programs speed in load and opening time.
Fix memory errors.

Memory installation

Additional help and information about installing computer memory and other computer hardware can be found through our Installation section.

Top 10 keyboard shortcuts everyone should know

Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Insert and Ctrl+X

Both Ctrl+C and Ctrl+Insert will copy highlighted text or a selected item. If you want to cut an item instead of copying it, press Ctrl+X. This action removes the text or item and stores it in the clipboard for you, rather than just copying it to the clipboard while leaving the original behind.

Apple computer users can substitute the Ctrl key for the command (cmd) key on their computers. For example, pressing Cmd+C copies highlighted text.

Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert

Both the Ctrl+V and Shift+Insert will paste the text or object that's stored in the clipboard.

On Apple computers, use Cmd+V instead.


Cut or copy this text

Use the above text input fields to highlight the "Cut or copy this text" text and press either Ctrl+C to copy or Ctrl+X to Cut the text. Once Cut Move to the next field and press Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert to paste the text. For further demonstration, visit the following link.
How to copy and paste.

Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+Y

Pressing Ctrl+Z will undo any change. For example, if you cut text, pressing this key combination will undo the cut. These shortcuts can also be pressed multiple times to undo or redo multiple changes. Pressing Ctrl+Y would redo the undo.
On Apple computers, use Cmd+Z and Cmd+Y to undo and redo.

Cut text and then undo

Use the above text input field to highlight some or all of the text and then press Ctrl+X to cut the text. Once the text has disappeared press the Ctrl+Z to undo the cut.

Tip: If you did the first example as well (cut and paste text) and you continue to press Ctrl+Z, it is also going to undo that change.

Pressing Ctrl+F opens the Find field, which allows you to search the text currently displayed in any program that supports it. For example, Ctrl+F can be used in your Internet browser to find text on the current page. Press Ctrl+F now to open the Find in your browser and search for "shortcut" to display each time shortcut is mentioned on this page.

On Apple computers, use Cmd+F to find.

Alt+Tab or Ctrl+Tab

Pressing Alt+Tab switches between open programs moving forward. For example, if you have your browser window open and other programs running in the background press and hold Alt and then press the tab key to cycle through each open program.

On Apple computers instead of using the Alt key use the Command (Cmd) key. For Example, Cmd+Tab to switch between open programs.

Bonus Tip: Press Ctrl+Tab to switch between tabs in a program. For example, if you have multiple tabs open in your Internet browser, press Ctrl+Tab to switch between them.

Bonus Tip: Adding the Shift key to Alt+Tab or Ctrl+Tab moves backward. For example, if you are pressing Alt+Tab and pass the program you want to use, press Alt+Shift+Tab to move back to that program.

Bonus Tip: Windows Vista, 7, 8, and 10 users can also press the Windows Key+Tab to switch through open programs in a full screenshot of the window.

Ctrl+Backspace and Ctrl+Left or Right arrow

Note: The following shortcuts are for PC users only and do not work on Apple computers.

Pressing Ctrl+Backspace will delete a full word at a time instead of a single character.

Holding down the Ctrl key while pressing the left or right arrow will move the cursor one word at a time instead of one character at a time. If you want to highlight one word at a time, hold down Ctrl+Shift, then press the left or right arrow key. Your highlighted selection will move one word at a time in that direction.

Here is example text to help demonstrate how you can delete multiple words at a time using Ctrl+Backspace. Click anywhere and then press Ctrl+Backspace to delete one word at a time instead of one character.

While working on a document or other file in almost every program, pressing Ctrl+S saves that file. Use this shortcut key frequently if you're working on anything important in case an error happens, you lose power, or any other issues that could cause you to any work since the last save.
On Apple computers, use Cmd+S to save a file.

Ctrl+Home or Ctrl+End

Ctrl+Home will move the cursor to the beginning of the document, and Ctrl+End will move the cursor to the end of a document. These shortcuts work with most documents, as well as web pages.
On Apple computers use Command and the Cmd and the up arrow to get to the beginning of a document or text or Cmd and the down arrow to get to the end of a document or text.


Control+P is used to open a print preview of the page or document currently being viewed. For example, press Ctrl+P now to view a print preview of this page.

On Apple computers use Cmd+P to open the print preview.

Page Up, Spacebar, and Page Down

As you may have guessed, pressing either the page up or page down key will move to the next or previous page. When browsing the Internet, pressing the spacebar moves the scrollbar down a page. Similarly, Shift+spacebar moves the scrollbar up one page.

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First developed by Tim Berners-Lee in 1990, HTML is short for HyperText Markup Language. HTML is used to create electronic documents (called pages) that are displayed on the World Wide Web. Each page contains a series of connections to other pages called hyperlinks. 

Every web page you see on the Internet is written using one version of HTML code or another.

HTML code ensures the proper formatting of text and images so that your Internet browser may display them as they are intended to look. Without HTML, a browser would not know how to display text as elements or load images or other elements. 

HTML also provides a basic structure of the page, upon which Cascading Style Sheets are overlaid to change its appearance. One could think of HTML as the bones (structure) of a web page, and CSS as its skin (appearance).

What does an HTML tag look like?
There are not many components. Almost all HTML tags have an opening tag that contains the name with any attributes and a close tag that contains a forward slash and the name of the tag that is being closed. For tags that do not have a closing tag like the <img> tag, it is best practice to end the tag with a forward slash.

Each tag is contained within a less than and greater than angle brackets and everything between the opening and closing tag is displayed or affected by the tag.  
What does HTML look like?
The following is an example of a basic web page written in HTML as well as a description of each section and its function.

<!DOCType HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "https://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
<html lang="en"><head>
<title>Example page</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<h1>This is a heading</h1>
<p>This is an example of a basic HTML page.</p>

The box above contains the key ingredients to a basic web page. The first line (DOCType) describes what version of HTML the page was written in so that an Internet browser can interpret the text that follows. Next, the HTML opening tag lets the browser know that it is reading HTML code. The HTML tag is followed by the head section which contains information about the page such as its title, meta tags, and where to locate the CSS file. The body section is all content that is view able on the browser. For example, all the text you see here is contained within the body tags. Finally, closing tags wrap each element for proper syntax.

What is HTML5?

HTML5 is the update made to HTML from HTML4 (XHTML follows a different version numbering scheme). It uses the same basic rules as HTML4, but adds some new tags and attributes which allow for better semantics and for dynamic elements that are activated using JavaScript. New elements include section, 

<article>, <aside>, <audio>, <bdi>, <canvas>, <datalist>, <details>, <embed>, <figure>, <figcaption>, <footer>, <header>, <keygen>, <mark>, <meter>, <nav>, <output>, <progress>, <rp>, <rt>, <ruby>, <time>, <track>, <video>, and <wbr>. There are also new input types for forms, which include tel, search, url, email, datetime, date, month, week, time, datetime-local, number, range, and color.

With the increasing movement to keep structure and style separate, a number of styling elements have been removed along with those that had accessibility issues or saw very little use. These following elements should no longer be used in HTML code: <acronym>, <applet>, <basefont>, <big>, <center>, <dir>, <font>, <frame>, <frameset>, <noframes>, <strike>, and <tt>. HTML5 also simplifies the doctype declaration to the tag in the following box.
<!doctype html>

What does HTML5 look like?
As shown below the HTML5 code is very similiar to the earlier HTML4 example, but is much cleaner with the revised doctype tag.

<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Example page</title>
<h1>This is a heading</h1>
<p>This is an example of a basic HTML page.</p>

How to create and view HTML
Because HTML is a markup language it can be created and viewed in any text editor as long as it is saved with a .htm or .html file extension. However, most find it easier to design and create web pages in HTML using an HTML editor.
Once the HTML file is created it can be viewed locally or uploaded to a web server to be viewed online using a browser.

Which file extensions are used with HTML?
HTML files use either the .htm or .html file extension. Older versions of Windows (Windows 3.x) only allow three-letter file extensions, so they used .htm instead of .html. However, both file extensions have the same meaning, and either may be used today. That being said, we recommend sticking to one naming convention as certain web servers may prefer one extension over the other.


Highlight may refer to any of the following:
1. An indication that text or another object has been selected with the mouse or keyboard. When highlighting text, the selected text colors reverse, show as blue, have dots around the selection, or have bold lines around the selected text.
Highlighting text allows a user to move, copy, or cut that selected text. Highlighting an object such as an icon also allows it to be cut, copied, deleted, moved, viewed, opened, or otherwise manipulate.

 Above is an example of highlighted text in a text editor.
2. With Microsoft Word and other text programs text can also be highlighted in a different color for quick reference. For example, "This text should be highlighted in yellow" and is easily seen while skimming this page.
3. With HTML text can be highlighted using span formatted with a style, CSS, or with the HTML5 <mark> tag.

Related pages
How to highlight text.
How do I select or highlight multiple files?
Top 10 computer mouse tips everyone should know.

PC shortcut keys for Special Characters

PC shortcut keys for Special Characters

Many special characters can be created using keyboard shortcuts. Below are some of the more common and popular special characters and the keyboard shortcuts to create them.
Shortcut Keys                Special Character
Alt+0224                          à
                          °  (degree symbol)
                          ±  (plus/minus symbol)
                          €  (Euro currency)
                          ¢  (Cent symbol)
                          £  (British Pound currency)
                          ¥  (Japanese Yen currency)


Basic PC shortcut keys

Basic PC shortcut keys

Below is a list of some of the most commonly used basic shortcut keys that work with almost all IBM compatible computers and software programs. It is highly recommended that all users keep a good reference of these shortcut keys or try to memorize them. Doing so will dramatically increase your productivity.

Tip: Besides the special character shortcuts listed here, some special characters are also located on the number keys (below the F1 - F12 keys). You can enter these special characters by pressing the Shift key and the number key that has the special character listed on it.

Shortcut Keys                                  Description
Alt+F                          File menu options in current program.
Alt+E                         Edit options in current program
Alt+Tab                      Switch between open programs
F1                              Universal Help in almost every Windows program.
F2                               Rename a selected file
F5                                Refresh the current program window
Ctrl+N                      Create a new, blank document in some software programs
Ctrl+O                  Open a file in current software program
Ctrl+A                   Select all text.
Ctrl+B                        Change selected text to be Bold
Ctrl+I                         Change selected text to be in Italics
Ctrl+U                       Change selected text to be Underlined
Ctrl+F                          Open find window for current document or window.
Ctrl+S                           Save current document file.
Ctrl+X                         Cut selected item.
Shift+Del                      Cut selected item.
Ctrl+C                        Copy selected item.
Ctrl+Ins                          Copy selected item
Ctrl+V                                  Paste
Shift+Ins                            Paste
Ctrl+Y                       Redo last action
Ctrl+Z                         Undo last action
Ctrl+K                         Insert hyperlink for selected text
Ctrl+P                        Print the current page or document.
Home                       Goes to beginning of current line.
Ctrl+Home                     Goes to beginning of document.
End                           Goes to end of current line.
Ctrl+End                       Goes to end of document.
Shift+Home                 Highlights from current position to beginning of line.
Shift+End                      Highlights from current position to end of line.
Ctrl+Left arrow              Moves one word to the left at a time.
Ctrl+Right arrow                 Moves one word to the right at a time.
Ctrl+Esc                     Opens the START menu
Ctrl+Shift+Esc                 Opens Windows Task Manager
Alt+F4                           Close the currently active program
Alt+Enter              Open the Properties for the selected item (file,  

                                folder, shortcut, etc.)


Mouse Properties

Mouse Properties

This option is used to change the appearance of mouse. We can also change the speed and visibility of the mouse.

Setting the Mouse Pointer

Double click on Mouse icon.

The Mouse Properties box will appear with row of tabs at the top of the box.

  1. Click the pointer tab at the top of the box.
  2. Click on drop down box under schemes to find a list of additional cursors.
  3. To change the pointer, click on the pointer which you wnat to change.
  4. Then click on Browse button.

A window will open with different pointers  in it.

  1. Click the pointer of choice and click the open button.
  2. Click the Apply button to apply the new mouse pointers.
  3. Click OK.

To change the speed of Mouse Pointer in Window XP
  1. Click on the pointer option tab.
  2. Click on Motion Tab.
  3. The Motion Screen appears.
  4. Slide the bar to the right to speed the mouse up.
  5. Click Apply to apply the changes.
To change the visibility of Mouse Pointer in Window XP
  1. Click on the pointer options tab in the Mouse Properties window.
  2. The Visibility screen will appear.
  3. lick on check box to lengthen the pointer trail for better visibility.
  4. Click APply button to apply the changes.
  5. Click OK button to close Mouse Properties Box.

Date and Time Option

We can change the date and time settings of computer using the Date and Time option in the Control Panel. 

To change the date and time
Click the Change the date and time icon.
The Date and Time properties Dialog Box will display.

TO change the month, Year and Date

Click the combo box where the months are listed.
Use the drop down box to set the month and year.

Click the correct date on the calendar.

To change the time

Click and select the current time to make a change.
Click the APply button.

Click the OK Button.

The date and time will be changed.



Control Panel - Sounds, Speech and Audio Devices option

This option allows customizing the sound system and also configuring setting for audio and recording devices.

Adjust the system volume
Helps to increase or decrease the volume associated with the system.

Change the sound scheme
Helps to change the sound settings that are applied to events in windows.

Change the speaker settings

Helps to change the settings of individual speakers.

Speech icon in the pick a Control panel icon allows us to change the settings for speech recognition and test the speech conversion. Sound and Audio Device icon in the pick a control panel icon helps to change the sound scheme of computer or configure the settings for speaker and recording devices.

To customize the Task bar

Task bar is the bottom line of the screen. We can customize the task bar using following steps.

Click Control Panel
Click Appearance and themes.
Click Task bar and Start menu. A dialog box opens with the Task bar tab displayed.
Click on desired check box to customize the Task bar.
Click OK.

Classic View

In Classic view, each item will be displayed separately and not as a group.

Some options of Classic View are:

Accessibility Option 
The Accessibility Option in Control option is used to customize the keyboard display and mouse functionality. Many of these features are useful to people without disabilities.
The accessibility tools available in Accessibility Options in Control Panel perform various functions.
Sticky Key enables simultaneous keystrokes while pressing one key at a time.
Mouse keys enables the keyboard to perform mouse functions.
Serial Key allows the use of alternative input devices instead of a keyboard and mouse.

Add or Remove Programs Option

We can add or remove applications and window components using Add or Remove Programs option in the control panel.


Wednesday, 28 June 2017



The Control Panel Program is an integral program that comes loaded with the Windows Software. It helps us to "make changes" to the settings of the computer.
This is called Customizing the computer. We cannot make files, using the control Panel as it is only responsible for "Customizing" our Windows environment according to our choice. Control Panel applets are the individual components found in Control Panel that contains the settings and options for the various parts of Windows.

To open the Control Panel

  1. Click the Start Button.
  2. Click the Control Panel option.
The Control Panel window opens.
The Window XP Control Panel is divided into two categories - Category view and Classic view. It is possible to switch between these through an option that appears on the left side of the window.

Category VIEW

The category view consists of categories, which when clicked on display the control panel applets related to the category. This category view makes it easy for users to locate the specific set of options that they wish to access.

Some Category View options are :

Appearance and Theme

Appearance and Themes option in the Control Panel is used to change the appearance of the desktop, screen saver, theme, wallpaper etc.

To change the theme of the Window XP

The theme is a predefined group of background, sounds, icons and other elements on the desktop.
  1. Click the change the computer's theme option from the appearance and Theme window.
  2. Click the Theme combo box drop-down arrow.
  3. Choose Windows XP
  4. Click the Apply button.
  5. Click the OK button.

To change the Screen Saver and Wallpaper

Screen saver is a program which starts in some time period, if computer is not currently in use. It displays some image on screen depending on current default screen saver.

Configuring Screen Saver

  1. Click the change a Screen saver option from the Appearance and Theme window.
  2. Choose Screen Saver tab in Display Properties box.
  3. Select the desired Screen Saver box.
  4. Set time after which Screen Saver will start.
  5. Click OK button.

Wallpaper is the background image on the computer screen that appears on computer. Windows XP offers many wallpaper choices.

Steps to change wallpaper are

  1. Click the change the desktop background option from the Appearance and Theme window.
  2. Choose Desktop tab in Display Properties box.
  3. Select the desired wallpaper from the "Background" combo box.
  4. Click OK button.

Do you Know????????

  1. Andre Truong Trong Thi (1936-2005) was a Vietnamese French Engineer. He is considered to be the Father of the personal computer for creating the MICRAL N ( Micro Computer) in based on an Intel 8008 Processor in 1973.
  2. ENIAC was very big. It weighed 30 tons and its size was roughly 2.4m x 0.9m x 30m. It consumed 160 KW of Electric power.
  3. A microprocessor is a single chip that can do all the processing of a computer. The personal computers or micro computers used today also have the microprocessor inside them.
  4. An integrated circuit (IC) is a small electronic device made out of a semiconductor material. The first integrated circuit was developed in the 1950s by Jack Kilby Texas Instruments and Robert Noyce of Fairchild Semiconductor.
  5.  The file extension of sound files are .WAV
  6. Speech recognition is the ability of Window XP to convert spoken words to written text.
  7. Time is seen on the right hand side on the system Tray of the Taskbar on the Desktop. The Date/Time properties screen can also be opened by "double clicking" on the time shown on the system tray.
  8. Check your HTML document in the web browser every time you make changes to it to find whether the changes made by you have taken the desired effect or not.
  9. A pixel is the smallest lighted dot on the screen with which characters are formed. There are 72 pixels in an inch.  1 inch =  72 pixels.
  10. You need to be at least 13 years old to be a member of the Facebook community.
  11. The coordinates of a pixel are the numbers that tell you how for across and how far down that pixel lies on the screen.
  12. It is not mandatory to give the color code in the PSET command. If you do not specify a color code, QBasic will give the output in white color.\
  13. While creating a chart, always keep in mind the message you want to convy. We can make different types of charts using the same data.
  14. The easy method to create a chart without using the chart wizard is to select the data and press F11 key on the keyboard.
  15. In MS Excel, you can create absolute, relative or mixed references in a formula. You can easily change from one reference type to another without having to retype it by pressing F4.

Who is Superior - Human or Computer ?

A computer is a wonderful machine made by man. 
We know that a computer can do many things. 
There are different things which a man can do, but a computer cannot.

Let's clarify this point by comparing both.


  • A computer is a machine.
  • It works fast
  • It never gets tired or bored.
  • It never commits mistakes.
  • It cannot work on its own.
  • Computer has a very good memory.
  • Computer cannot take decision on its own and cannot imagine.



  • A human is a living being.
  • A human cannot work as fast as a computer.
  • A human gets tired and bored after sometime.
  • A human many make mistakes.
  • A human can work without any help.
  • A human does forget the information stored in his / her mind.
  • A human can take decisions and can imagine.

Good Morning Beautiful

Do you know????

Do you know????