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Monday 4 September 2017

Unix and Linux Commands Help

Unix and Linux Commands Help

  • Unix ABCs
  • Linux ABCs
  • MS-DOS vs. Linux and Unix
  • Unix and Linux commands
  • Unix Top 10 commands
  • Unix Shortcuts
  • Unix and Linux history
  • Unix and Linux tips
  • Unix and Linux links
  • Linux Q&A

Unix ABCs

Unix, which is not an acronym, was developed in the late 1960's by many of the same people who helped create the C programming language. Today, however, Unix is not just the work of a couple of programmers. Other organizations, institutes, and individuals contributed significant additions to the modern Unix system.

Linux ABCs

Linux (pronounced "lee'nuhks" or li'nuks, but not li'nuhks) is the kernel of a free, open source operating system. The Linux kernel was developed by Linus Torvalds and released in 1991. It provided the underlying foundations for an operating system, but it lacked the user-level tools to make it complete.

The GNU project, begun in 1984 by Richard Stallman, had similar aims, creating a set of open source tools and utilities modeled on the closed-source Unix operating system. The GNU project lacked an underlying kernel, however. After the Linux kernel was released, contributors ported GNU tools to the Linux kernel, and the GNU/Linux operating system was born.

There is significant controversy (even today) over whether to refer to this combined operating system as "GNU/Linux" or "Linux." However, the general populace has gravitated to the name "Linux," and this name has largely stuck. The contributions of the GNU project must not be overlooked, however. Whenever you run an essential command in Linux, you are using a tool painstakingly created by members of the GNU project.

Over the years, Linux kernel development has grown to a group of over 10,000 developers all over the world. It is released under General Public License (GPL): it can be distributed, used, and expanded free of charge, and developers have access to all the source code.
See our Linux definition for related information and variant information.

MS-DOS vs. Linux and Unix

If you can navigate a computer using MS-DOS or the Windows command line, you should be able to quickly pick up on the navigation of Linux and Unix. In the below chart is a listing of common MS-DOS commands with their Linux and Unix counterpart.

MS-DOS                                            Linux and Unix
attrib                                                  chmod
backup                                                tar
                                             rm -R
                                                fdformat, mount, and umount
move and rename                                 mv
                                                  less <file>
more < file                                      more file
md                                                     mkdir
win                                                       startx

Linux and Unix Commands

A               a2p | ac | addgroup | adduser | alias | agrep | apropos | apt-cache | 

                      apt-get | aptitude | ar | arch | arp | as | aspell | at | atq | atrm | awk
               basename | bash | batch | bc | bdiff | bfs | bg | biff | break | bs | bye
               cal | calendar | cancel | cat | cc | cd | cfdisk | chdir | checkeq | checknr | 
                 chfn | chgrp | chkey | chmod | chown | chroot | chsh | cksum | clear | cls | 
                 cmp | col | comm | compress | continue | copy | cp | cpio | crontab | csh | 
                 csplit | ctags | cu | curl | cut
               date | dc | dd | df | delgroup | deluser | depmod | deroff | dhclient | diff | 
                 dig | dircmp | dirname | dmesg | dos2unix | dpkg | dpost | du
               echo | ed | edit | egrep | eject | elm | emacs | enable | env | eqn | ex | 
                 exit | expand | expr
               fc | fdisk | fg | fgrep | file | find | findsmb | finger | fmt | fold | for | 
                 foreach | free | fromdos | fsck | ftp | fuser
               gawk | getfacl | gpasswd | gprof | grep | groupadd | groupdel | groupmod | 
                 gunzip | gview | gvim | gzip
               halt | hash | hashstat | head | help | history | host | hostid | hostname
                 id | ifconfig | ifdown | ifup | ip | init | info | insmod | iostat | isalist | 
               jobs | join
               keylogin | kill | killall | ksh
               last | ld | ldd | less | lex | link | ln | lo | locate | login | logname | logout | 
                 losetup | lp | lpadmin | lpc | lpq | lpr | lprm | lpstat | ls | lsof | lsmod| lzcat
                 | lzma
               mach | mail | mailcompat | mailx | make | man | md5sum | merge | mesg | 
                 mii-tool | mkdir | mkfs | mkswap | modinfo | modprobe | more | mt | mv | 
                 myisamchk | mysql | mysqldump
               nc | neqn | netstat | newalias | newform | newgrp | nice | niscat | nischmod 
                 | nischown | nischttl | nisdefaults | nisgrep | nismatch | nispasswd | 
                 nistbladm | nl | nmap | nohup | nroff | nslookup
               od | on | onintr | optisa
               pack | pagesize | parted | partprobe | passwd | paste | pax | pcat | perl | 
                 pg | pgrep | pico | pine | ping | pkill | poweroff | pr | printenv | priocntl |                     printf | ps | pstree | pvs | pwd | python
               rcp | readlink | reboot | red | rehash | remsh | rename | renice | repeat | 
                 replace | rgview | rgvim | rlogin | rm | rmail | rmdir | rmmod | rn | route | 
                 rpcinfo | rsh | rsync | rview | rvim
               s2p | sag | sar | scp | screen | script | sdiff | sed | sendmail | service | set | 
                 setenv | setfacl | sfdisk | sftp | sh | sha224sum | sha256sum | sha384sum | 
                 sha512sum | shred | shutdown | signals | sleep | slogin | smbclient | sort | 
                 spell | split | stat | stop | startx | strftime | strip | stty | su | sudo | swapoff 
                 | swapon | sysklogd
               tabs | tac | tail | talk | tar | tbl | tcopy | tcpdump | tcsh | tee | telinit | 
                 telnet | test | time | timex | todos | top | touch | tput | tr | traceroute | 
                 tree | troff | tty
               ul |  umask | unalias | uname | uncompress | unhash | uniq | unlink | unlzma 
                 | unmount | unpack | untar | until | unxz | unzip | uptime | useradd | 
                 userdel | usermod
                vacation | vedit |  vgrind | vi | view | vim | vipw | visudo | vmstat
               w | wait | wall | wc | wget | whereis | whatis | which  | while| who | 
                  whoami | whois | write
               X | xargs | xfd | xhost | xinit | xlsfonts | xorg | xset | xterm | xrdb | xz | 
               yacc | yes | yppasswd | yum
               zcat | zip | zipcloak | zipinfo | zipnote | zipsplit

Tip: Additional information about a specified command for your Unix or Linux variant can be found by using the man command.

Related Articles:)
See our Unix definition for additional related information.

See the Linux and Unix commands overview page for a brief description of all commands.

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