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Tuesday, 9 January 2018

How to add or remove a cell, column, or row in Excel

How to add or remove a cell, column, or row in Excel

Below is information about how to add and remove a cell, column, or row in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

  • Adding a cell
  • Removing a cell
  • Adding a row
  • Removing a row
  • Adding a column
  • Removing a column

Adding a cell
Note: When adding a new cell, you will move (shift) the data around that cell down or to the right depending on how you choose to shift the data. If there is data in adjacent cells that line up with the selected cell it will become unaligned. In some situations, it may be better to add a new column or add a new row instead of a new cell.

To add a new individual cell to an excel spreadsheet follow the steps below.

  • Select the cell of where you want to insert a new cell by clicking the cell once with the mouse.
  • Right-click on the cell of where you want to insert a new cell.
  • In the Right-click menu that appears select Insert.
  • Choose either Shift cells right or Shift cells down depending on how you want to affect the data around the cells.
  • Removing a cell
Note: When removing a cell, you will move (shift) the data around that cell up or to the left depending on how you choose to shift the data. If there is data in adjacent cells that line up with the selected cell it will become unaligned.

To remove a cell from an excel spreadsheet follow the steps below.

  • Right-click on the cell you want to remove.
  • In the Right-click menu that appears select Delete.
  • Choose either Shift cells left or Shift cells up depending on how you want to affect the data around the cells.

Adding a row in Excel

Excel 2007 and later

  • Select the cell where you want to add a row. For example, if you wanted to add a row on the '3' row, you would select the A3 cell or any other cell in row 3.
  • On the Home tab in the Ribbon menu, click Insert and select Insert Sheet Rows. You can also right-click on the selected cell, select Insert, then select the Entire row option.

Tip: If you want to add multiple rows at once, highlight more than one row, then click Insert and select Insert Sheet Rows. For example, if you wanted to add four rows beginning at row 3, you would highlight row 3 and the three rows following it. Do this by clicking and dragging your mouse on the number 3, 4, 5, and 6, then click Insert and select Insert Sheet Rows.

Excel 2003 and earlier

  • Select the cell where you want to add a row. For example, if you wanted to add a row on the '3' row, you would select the A3 cell or any other cell in row 3. 
  • In the menu bar, click Insert and select Rows. This option will not be available if you're highlighting columns and not rows.
Tip: If you want to add multiple rows at once, highlight more than one row and then click Insert and select Rows. For example, if you wanted to add four rows beginning at row 3, you would highlight row 3 and the three rows following it. Do this by clicking and dragging your mouse on the number 3, 4, 5, and 6, then click Insert, and select Rows.

Removing a row in Excel

Excel 2007 and later

  • Highlight the row or rows you want to delete.
  • On the Home tab in the Ribbon menu, click Delete and select Delete Sheet Rows. You can also right-click with your mouse on the highlighted row and select Delete.
Using the above steps will delete the row or rows and move the rows under the deleted rows up. If you just want to delete the contents of the rows, press the Delete key on the keyboard.

Excel 2003 and earlier

  • Highlight the row or rows you want to delete.
  • In the menu bar, click Edit and select Delete. You can also right-click with your mouse on the highlighted row and select Delete.
Using the above steps will delete the row or rows and move the rows under the deleted rows up. If you just want to delete the contents of the rows, press the Delete key on the keyboard.

Adding a column in Excel
Excel 2007 and later
  • Select the cell where you want to add a column. For example, if you wanted to add a column on the 'C' column, you would select the C1 cell or any other cell in column C.
  • On the Home tab in the Ribbon menu, click Insert and select Insert Sheet Columns. You can also right-click on the selected cell, select Insert, then select the Entire column option.
Tip: If you want to add multiple columns at once, highlight more than one column, click Insert and select Insert Sheet Columns. For example, if you want to add four rows on column C, highlight column C and the three columns to the right of it by clicking and dragging on the letters C, D, E, and F. Then click Insert and select Insert Sheet Column.

Excel 2003 and earlier

  • Select the cell where you want to add a column. For example, if you wanted to add a column on the 'C' column, you would select the C1 cell or any other cell in column C.
  • In the menu bar, click Insert and select Columns. This option will not be available if you're highlighting rows and not columns.
Tip: If you want to add multiple columns at once, highlight more than one column, click Insert and select Columns. For example, if you want to add four rows on column C, highlight column C and the three columns to the right of it by clicking and dragging on the letters C, D, E, and F. Then click Insert and select Column.

Removing a column in Excel

Excel 2007 and later

  • Highlight the column or columns you want to delete.
  • On the Home tab in the Ribbon menu, click Delete and select Delete Sheet Columns. You can also right-click with your mouse on the highlighted column and select Delete.
Using the above steps will delete the column or columns and move the columns to the right over to the left. If you just want to delete the contents of the columns, press the Delete key on the keyboard.

Excel 2003 and earlier

Highlight the column or columns you want to delete.

  • In the menu bar, click Edit and select Delete. You can also right-click with your mouse on the highlighted column and select Delete.
  • Using the above steps will delete the column or columns and move the columns to the right over to the left. If you just want to delete the contents of the columns, press the Delete key on the keyboard.

Related Articles:)

How to hide rows or columns in Excel.
How to select an entire row or column in a spreadsheet.
See our column, excel, and row definitions for further information and related links on these terms.
Microsoft Excel help and support.


Codenamed Odyssey, Excel is a software program from Microsoft that is part of the Microsoft Office suite of software programs. Developed by Microsoft and first released on September 30, 1985, Excel is capable of creating and editing spreadsheets that are saved with a .xls or .xlsx file extension. General uses of Excel include cell-based calculation, pivot tables, and various graphing tools. For instance, with an Excel spreadsheet, you could create a monthly budget, track business expenses, or sort and organize large amounts of data.

Unlike a word processor, such as Microsoft Word, the Excel documents consist of columns and rows of data, made up of individual cells. Each of these cells can contain either text or numerical values that can be calculated using formulas.

Excel overview

  • How can Excel be formatted?
  • Download an example of a spreadsheet file
  • Why do people use Excel?
  • Why would someone use Excel over a different spreadsheet program?
  • Related Excel pages
  • Microsoft Excel help and support.

Excel overview

Below is an example of Microsoft Excel with each of its major sections highlighted. See the formula bar, cell, column, row, or sheet tab links for further information about each of these sections.


How can Excel be formatted?
Each of the rows, columns, and cells can be modified in many ways, including the background color, number or date format, size, text font, layout, etc. In our above example, you can see that the first row (row 1) has a blue background, bold text, and each cell has its text centered.

Download an example of a spreadsheet file

We've created a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that can be downloaded and opened in any spreadsheet program including Microsoft Excel. This spreadsheet helps illustrate some of the capabilities of a spreadsheet, formulas, and functions used in a spreadsheet and allows you to experiment more with a spreadsheet.

Download example.xls

Why do people use Excel?
There are many reasons people may use Excel (a spreadsheet program). For example, someone might use Excel to keep track of their expenses. For a full list of reason and examples of how people use a spreadsheet, see our spreadsheet definition.

Why would someone use Excel over a different spreadsheet program?
Today, there are many different free spreadsheet options that someone could use instead of Excel. However, even with the available free options, Excel remains the most used spreadsheet because of all of its available options, features, and because many businesses still use the program.

Tip: Even with all of Excel's options for most people a free spreadsheet program like Google sheets is often all most users need.

Note: If you want to get Excel because it is a job requirement it is still ok to learn all of the basics in a free spreadsheet program. However, there are still many differences between Excel and a free spreadsheet program.

Related Excel pages

How to create a spreadsheet.
Where can I get a free spreadsheet program?
Microsoft Excel keyboard shortcuts.
How to add or remove a cell, column, or row in Excel.
How to hide rows or columns in Excel.
How to select an entire row or column in a spreadsheet.
How to create, delete, rename, and move a worksheet in Excel.
Help, examples, and information on Excel formulas.
Microsoft Excel help and support.
Formula, Function, Lookup, Multiplan, Spreadsheet, Spreadsheet terms

Preventing a spreadsheet formula from changing when copying

Preventing a spreadsheet formula from changing when copying

When a formula is created in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or another spreadsheet program it is created using a relative cell reference by default. When copying a formula that is using a relative cell reference the formula is going to become relative to where it is being pasted. For example, if you have a formula in cell B2 that was "=A2" and you copied the cell to B3 it would become "=A3" because it is relative to where it is being copied.

To prevent a formula from changing when it is copied, you must change the formula in part or in whole to use an absolute cell reference. If you created an absolute cell reference in cell C2 that was "=$A$2" and copied the cell to C3 (or any other cell) it would always remain absolute and never change.

Additional absolute cell reference examples

Absolute cell references can be used in all parts of a formula or can be used for a row or column that you want to remain absolute. To make a row or column absolute, it must begin with a dollar sign ($). Below are some additional Examples of how an absolute cell reference may be used in a formula.

Relative column and absolute row reference


The above formula is using a relative column with an absolute row reference. If the cell formula was copied the row would always remain the same (2), but the column would be relative to where it is being copied.

Absolute column with a relative row reference


The above formula is using an absolute column reference with a relative row reference. If the cell formula was to be copied the column would always remain the same (A) but the row would be relative to where it is being copied.

Absolute cell reference with relative cell reference


The above formula will always use the value in A2 but add the next relative cell. If the cell formula was copied from C2 to C3, it would become 


Related Articles :)

How to copy and paste text and formulas in an Excel spreadsheet.
Help, examples, and information on Excel formulas
See our absolute cell reference and relative cell reference further information and related links.
Microsoft Excel help and support.

Help, examples, and information on Excel formulas

Help, examples, and information on Excel formulas

Formulas are what helped make spreadsheets so popular. By creating formulas, you can have quick calculations even if the information changes in the cells relating to the formula. For example, you could have a total cell that adds all values in a column.

The basics
All spreadsheet formulas begin with an equal sign (=) symbol.
After the equal symbol, either a cell or formula function is entered. The function tells the spreadsheet the type of formula.
If a math function is being performed, the math formula is surrounded in parentheses.
Using the colon (:) allows you to get a range of cells for a formula. For example, A1:A10 is cells A1 through A10.
Formulas are created using relative cell reference by default and if you add a dollar sign ($) in front of the column or row it will become an absolute cell reference.

Entering a spreadsheet formula

Below is an animated visual example of how an excel formula can be inserted into a spreadsheet. In our first formula entered into the cell "D1," we manually enter a =sum formula to add 1+2 (in cells A1 and B2) to get the total of "3." With the next example, we use the mouse to highlight cells A2 to D2 and then instead of typing the formula use the formula button in Excel to automatically create the formula. Next, we show how you can manually enter a formula and then with the help of a mouse get the cell values (you can also highlight multiple cells to create a range). Finally, we manually enter a times ( * ) formula using sum function to find the value of 5 * 100.


Formula examples
Note: The functions listed below may not be the same in all languages of Microsoft Excel. All these examples are done in the English version of Microsoft Excel.

Tip: All of the examples below are listed in alphabetical order, if you want to start with the most common formula, we suggest starting with the =SUM formula.

  • =
  • IF
  • RAND
  • SUM


An = (equals) creates a cell equal to another. For example, if you were to put =A1 in B1 whatever was in A1 would automatically be put in B1. You could also create a formula that would make one cell equal to more than one value. For example, if you have a first name in cell A1 and a last name in cell B1, you could put in cell A2 =A1&" "&B1 which would put cell A1 in with B1 with a space between. You can also use a concatenate formula to combine cell values.


Display the average amount between cells. For example, if you wanted to get the average for cells A1 to A30, you would type: =AVERAGE(A1:A30).



Count the number of cells in a range that contain only numbers. For example, you could find how many cells between A1 and A15 contain a numeric value by using the =COUNT(A1:A15). If cell A1 and A5 only contained numbers the value of the cell that contains this function would be equal to "2."


Count the number of cells in a range that contain any text (text and numbers, not just numbers) and are not empty. For example, you could count the number of cells containing text in cells A1 through A20 by using the =COUNTA(A1:A20). If seven cells were empty the number "13" would be returned.


Count the cells that have a certain value. For example, if you have =COUNTIF(A1:A10,"TEST") in cell A11, then any cell between A1 through A10 that has the word "test" will be counted as one. So, if you have five cells in that range that contain the word test, A11 would say "5."


The syntax of the IF statement are =IF(CELL="VALUE" ,"PRINT OR DO THIS","ELSE PRINT OR DO THIS"). For example, the formula =IF(A1="","BLANK","NOT BLANK") makes any cell besides A1 say "BLANK" if a1 had nothing within it. If A1 is not empty, the other cells will read "NOT BLANK". The if statement has more complex uses, but can generally be reduced to the above structure.



Returns a reference specified by a text string. In the above example, the formula would return the value of the cell contained in A2.

Returns the value of a random cell between A1 and A2 using the indirect and randbetween (explained below) functions.



Find the median of the values of cells A1 through A7. For example, four is the median for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

Min and Max represent the minimum or maximum amount in the cells. For example, if you wanted to get the minimum value between cells A1 and A30 you would put =MIN(A1:A30) or if you wanted to get the Maximum about =MAX(A1:A30).


Multiples multiple cells together. For example, =Product(A1:A30) would multiple all cells together, so A1 * A2 * A3, etc.



Generates a random number greater than zero but less than one, For example, "0.681359187" could be a randomly generated number placed into the cell of the formula.


Generate a random number between two values. In the above example, the formula would create a random whole number between 1 and 100.



The most commonly used function to add, subtract, multiple, or divide values in cells. Below are some examples.

Add the cells A1 and A2.

Add cells A1 through A5.


Adds cells A1, A2, and A5.

Subtract cell A1 from A2.

Multiply cells A1 and A2.


Divide cell A1 by A2.


Perform the SUM function only if there is a specified value in the first selected cells. An example of this would be =SUMIF(A1:A6,"TEST",B1:B6) which only adds the values B1:B6 if the word "test" was put somewhere in between A1:A6. So if you put TEST (not case sensitive) in A1, but had numbers in B1 through B6, it would only add the value in B1 because TEST is in A1.

See our SUMIF definition for additional information.



Would print out the current date in the cell entered. This value will change to reflect the current date each time you open your spreadsheet. If you want to enter a date that doesn't change hold down Ctrl and ; (semicolon) to enter the date.



To find the common value of cell. For example, if cells A1 through A6 had 2,4,6,8,10,12 and you entered formula =TREND(A1:A6) in a different cell, you would get the value of 2 because each number is going up by 2.



The lookup, hlookup, or vlookup formula allows you to search and find related values for returned results. See our lookup definition for a complete definition and full details on this formula.

Related Articles:)

Preventing a spreadsheet formula from changing when copying.
See the Excel and formula definition for further information and related links.
Microsoft Excel help and support.

How to create a custom sort in Microsoft Excel

How to create a custom sort in Microsoft Excel

Sometimes you may need to do a sort that is not an alphabetical or ascending sort in Microsoft Excel. Below are the steps on how you can create a custom sort in Microsoft Excel to sort the data in the order you want it represented.

Open Excel and highlight all of the data you want to be sorted. Tip: If you want the data next to the sorted data to remain in the same row make sure you highlight everything including the column you want sorted.

Click the Data tab and then the Sort button (shown below).

In the Sort box (shown below) click Custom List under Order.

In the List entries box enter how you want the data sorted. For example, we've entered "2E, 2D, 2S, 3E, 3D, 3S, 4E, 4D, 4S" as our sort order.

Once you've completed entering the data into List entries, click the Add button and then click Ok.

How to create a spreadsheet

How to create a spreadsheet

To create a spreadsheet, you must either have a spreadsheet program installed on your computer capable of creating a spreadsheet or use an online service capable of creating a spreadsheet.

Note: Although some computers may come with a trial version of Microsoft Excel that can be used for a limited time to create a spreadsheet, almost all Windows computers do not include a spreadsheet program. The only exception was the Microsoft Surface with Windows RT, which is no longer available. There are also many versions of Linux that include LibreOffice.

Tip: If you are already in a worksheet (workbook) and want to create a new sheet tab within the workbook see our how to create, delete, rename, and move a worksheet in Excel page.

The most common and widely used spreadsheet program is Microsoft Excel. However, because of all of the different needs of users today, we've included additional options that are available for creating a spreadsheet.

  • Create a spreadsheet with Google Sheets
  • Create a spreadsheet with Microsoft Excel
  • Create a spreadsheet with LibreOffice and OpenOffice

Create a spreadsheet with Google Sheets

Google Sheets is one of our favorite solutions for most users, especially new computer users, because it is free, easy to access, supports collaborative editing, can open other spreadsheet files, and can be accessed from any device. To use Google Sheets, follow the steps below.

Visit https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/

If prompted, log into your Google account.

Click the green plus to start a new blank spreadsheet or select from one of the pre-made templates.

After creating and opening a new spreadsheet, any information can be added. As you continue to work, Google automatically saves all changes. To name the spreadsheet, click on "Untitled spreadsheet" in the top-left corner and enter a new name. You can also click the share button in the top-right corner to share the spreadsheet to work collaboratively.

Create a spreadsheet with Microsoft Excel

To use Microsoft Excel to create a spreadsheet, follow the steps below.

Open Excel in Windows

Open Microsoft Excel. If you're not sure how to open or find Excel, skip to the finding Microsoft Excel section.

Once Excel is open, any new information and formulas can be entered.
Once complete or while working on the spreadsheet, you can Save your work through the File tab to the destination of your choice.

How to find Microsoft Excel in Windows
In Windows, click the Start button.

In the search box, type excel. If Excel is installed on the computer, it will be shown in the search results. For example, you may see Microsoft Excel 2010, Microsoft Excel 2013, or Microsoft Excel 365.

Tip: In Windows 10, the search box is on the Taskbar next to the Start button. In Windows 8, start typing excel on the Start page and the search results will show on the right side of the screen.

How to install Microsoft Excel

If Excel is not installed, it would need to be installed on the computer. Today, the latest version of Excel is included in Office 365 and requires a subscription. You can download Office 365, which includes Excel, Word, and other Office applications, from https://www.office.com/.

Tip: If you've purchased Office or Excel in the past, older versions of Office can also be installed on newer computers, even those running Windows 8 or Windows 10. You must have the installation discs to install Office or Excel again.

Create a spreadsheet with LibreOffice and OpenOffice
LibreOffice and OpenOffice Calc are other great free products that allow anyone to create spreadsheets on their computer and can even support most of the features in Excel. Below are the steps on how to run LibreOffice and OpenOffice in Windows.

Open LibreOffice and OpenOffice in Windows

In Windows, click the Start button
In the search box, type calc. If LibreOffice or OpenOffice is installed, either LibreOffice Calc or OpenOffice Calc is shown in the search results.
Tip: In Windows 10, the search box is on the taskbar next to the Start button. In Windows 8, start typing calc on the Start screen and the search results are shown on the right side of the screen.

How to install LibreOffice or OpenOffice

LibreOffice can be downloaded from https://www.libreoffice.org/ and OpenOffice can be downloaded from https://www.openoffice.org/.

Once either of these programs has been installed on the computer, you can follow the steps above to create a spreadsheet.

Related Articles:)

How do I create a computer file?
How to create, delete, rename, and move a worksheet in Excel.
See our spreadsheet definition for further information and related links on these terms.

How do I sort a list in Microsoft Excel?

How do I sort a list in Microsoft Excel?

In Microsoft Excel, you can use the Sort feature to perform many actions with lists of data. Users are generally looking alphabetize many text values or arrange a list of numbers in order from lowest to highest or from highest to lowest. To proceed, follow the instructions in the next section.

Note: Details on how to sort more quickly are in the second section farther down the page.

Using sort to organize a list

  • In Excel, highlight the values in a column that you want to organize.
  • Click on the Data tab at the top of the program window.
  • Click on the Sort option.
  • Make sure the Sort by option is set to the column in which you have highlighted. If the column of data has a header name, you can check the My data has headers box in the upper right-hand corner to use the header name in the Sort by option.
  • Under Order, click the down arrow.
  • In the drop-down menu that appears, select the option that sorts the data to your liking.
  • Click OK to sort the highlighted values.


Using the Quick Sort feature

If you only need to organize your data in ascending or descending order, you can use the Quick Sort feature. Highlight the values you want to sort, then on the Data tab, click on either the Sort A to Z option or the Sort Z to A option.

Related Articles :)
How to create a spreadsheet.
How to create a custom sort in Microsoft Excel
Help, examples, and information on Excel formulas.
Easily sort data in Microsoft Excel by using the auto filter.
Use our online text tool to sort and otherwise manipulate any text.
See our sort definitions for further information and related links on these terms.

Getting Started with Android Programming

Getting Started with Android Programming

Android is the most-common operating system on mobile devices around the world. Phones, tablets, etc. that utilize it are outselling Apple iOS-based devices by nearly two to one globally. The Android App markets, like Google Play, are filled with useful apps for users to download and are eagerly flooded with users looking to enhance their devices.

Yet many developers are unsure of how to get into Android programming. Compared to the iOS SDK, getting a clear path set for Android development isn’t as well-mapped. That is changing quickly. Here is a simple roadmap you can follow to get started programming Android apps today.

If you already know Java, then you’re well on your way towards becoming an Android developer. Those familiar with Java will also have a far easier time adapting to the way development takes place. Any object-oriented language background, however, will help in this regard. Familiarization with markup languages like HTML, Adobe Flex or XML tags is also a must as layouts in Android are tag-based.

To get started, you’ll need a copy of the Android SDK (software development kit), which includes an emulator. This is how you’ll check and test your work and the emulator lets you do this without having to load your software onto a device every time you want to check something. Most developers experienced in Java probably already have a favored tool, such as Eclipse, and most of those tools now integrate with the Android SDK so you can use them together. If you don’t have a favorite, one can be found all over the Web or you can simply use the Android Developer Tools themselves.

Experienced iPhone developers will find that while Java is less verbose than Objective-C, it’s also not as elegant and many core functions of an Android device are not as clear-cut and easy to access as they are in iOS. This is mainly because iOS devices are fixed and pre-defined by Apple whereas Android devices are many and varied thanks to an open market. The greatest advantage to Android, however, is that it is open source so if you have a question about how something works or why it works the way it does, the source code for the OS is readily available to peruse.

One thing many Android developers find frustrating at first is that diversity of hardware. Like programmers for the PC, Android developers often have problems when one device’s hardware is different than another’s (or isn’t there at all). Cameras, for instance, are sometimes present on a device and sometimes not and some devices have more than one. App code must be able to handle this possibility. Layouts are also important because while the app doesn’t change, the device it’s running on definitely will and the difference between a 5-inch phone and a 10-inch tablet are huge. Most of the time, this can be handled with scaling, but some things might change if your app has specific screen requirements.

Luckily, there are a lot of support services for Android developers because the community is a thriving, open source group. Sites like the Android Developers site (http://developer.android.com/index.html) with all of its documentation, groups, etc. is a great hub to begin finding answers. Of course, just searching for the problem or going through the Android OS code is also helpful. The code and its various APIs are all freely available and can show a budding developer a lot about what’s going on in that little handheld.

Start a Project, Run the Emulator, Start Programming
Once you have the foundation in place, dive right in! Assuming you have only the SDK tools and a command line, rather than a programming environment like Eclipse, we’ll cover the basic steps required to get your project started. A project consists of all of the files used to compile and create your app, including your source code once you’ve written it.

Start by navigating to your Android SDK tools/ path and execute “android list targets”, which will print a list of the available Android platforms that you’ve downloaded for our SDK. Select the highest version possible for your target to optimize for the latest devices or select a lower target if you’re working on legacy tools (lower-end, older devices). If you don’t have any targets listed, use the Android SDK Manager to add platforms and packages.

Once you’ve noted the target ID from your list, execute “android create project -target –name MyAppName -path /MyAppName -activity MainActivity -package com.example.MyAppName”

What you’re doing here is telling the SDK that you’re creating a project and under what target platform. You’re giving the project a name (MyAppName), telling it where to save it (workspace area), adding a description of a MainActivity for the app, and finally, giving the project a package delineation you can call when needed. Anything in <> above should be replaced with actual information you supply and you can change the MyAppName and MainActivity to whatever you wish (do not use spaces or special characters).

For now, all your app will do is execute and print a simple message to the screen (default setup). Let’s see how that works by using the emulator to test it. Launch the Android Virtual Device Manager from the command line by navigating to your SDK directory and the tools/ path, then executing “android avd” there. This launches the Virtual Device Manager.

Click “New” and fill in the details for the device you’d like to use (device, platform target, virtual SD card size, and skin). Your emulator may have pre-set devices already in it, depending on the SDK package you’ve downloaded. Your target should be equal to or better than the target you used in your package setup. A sample would be the Galaxy Nexus with Android 4.2 under the 4.2 platform with an API level of 17 and a CPU/ABI of ARM (v7a). Once you have your device created, select it and press “Start.”

Once the emulator boots, unlock it and then enter the command line and navigate to your Android project’s root directory. From there, enter “ant debug” and then “abd install bin/MyAppName-debut.apk” then locate the activity on your emulator (probably called MyAppNameActivity) and open it.

You’ve now successfully set up a project on the SDK and checked it through the emulator. Congratulations! You’re now ready to begin developing. Have fun!

Top 10 Productivity Apps For Android

Top 10 Productivity Apps For Android
Smartphones are the way of the future- or so we’re told. Smartphones should make our lives better, easier, and more productive- but finding the right combination of apps and workflow to maximize your productivity is often easier said than done. Here’s a list of apps that could help point you in the right direction when it comes to getting your operation more productive!

1. Google Docs (Free)


Easily on the top of productivity checklist, Google Docs is the on-the-go app that a great deal of people swear by (though it’s a mystery why Google took so long to roll it out initially). If you’re a Google Docs user, then there’s no question here: you need to get Google Docs on your Android phone. If you’re not a Google Docs user, you should definitely consider installing it. The ability to edit your files on the go no matter where you are can be a life saver, especially if you’re often moving around for meetings or other reasons.

Website: Google Docs

2. Google Keep / Evernote


A great deal of people will cry foul for me lumping the both of these in with each other, but they do serve similar goals: efficient note taking and organizing. Evernote is undoubtedly the more powerful of the two, at least in my limited experience, but I found Google Keep’s UI and features easier to use and more convenient. Both of these are on here because you should at least have some sort of note taking software, and either one of these will likely fit your need for it!

Website: Google Keep

3. Dropbox

Dropbox has consistently been one of the life savers in the online storage arena, and its utility on the PC transfers to utility on Android nearly perfectly. It’s incredibly convenient having all of your files together, and the combination of Dropbox and Android’s other features can make for some really interesting productivity aids (including creative applications like syncing public and private keys across multiple devices). Definitely a must for any Android user on the go.

Website: Dropbox

4. Quickoffice

While Google Docs is great for editing on the go, sometimes you just need to send a doc or docx to someone using Word. Quickoffice is excellent for this: it seems to handle almost every Word doc thrown at it, and it can save them to disk without any problems at all. It also seems to be a quite capable PDF reader, and it’s definitely worth using if you’re going to be sending .doc or .docx files to people, especially when the Google Docs conversion might mess up something like sensitive formatting.

Website: Quickoffice

5. CamCard (Free, Upgrade for $6.99)

If you’re going to tons of conferences and networking with people, this app is essential in avoiding too many business cards cluttering up your wallet. CamCard lets you snap a picture of a business card and it’ll take care of importing things like name, title, phone number, etc. and so forth so you can build a virtual database of business cards. It’s not perfect, but it’s extremely good, and it’s incredibly convenient if you’re traveling often and exchanging business cards with different colleagues in your line of work.

Website: CamCard


6. Bounce
Bounce is one of the best ideas for an app in a long while: it doesn’t just tell you how far away something is, but it tells you when you have to leave to arrive on time due to weather, traffic, and other conditions. Being told when you have to “bounce” is an amazing concept (one that surprisingly few people really understand) and if you’re the type who is consistently late or misjudging traffic than this app is absolutely necessary.

Website: Bounce

7. MoneyWise Pro

This isn’t a productivity app per-se, but it’s definitely a useful one for keeping on track with your budgets. MoneyWise lets you insert your transactions and gives you at-a-glance graphs and lists to let you know when you’re out of budget for the month. A great way to tell whether you have the cash to drop on that little business meeting, or if you have some money left over to reward well-performing teams (including yourself, of course!)

Website: MoneyWise Pro

8. Any.DO

Any.DO is an incredibly slick to-do list that can sync between all your devices, and it’s very good at what it does. It’s not quite as powerful as more full-featured to-do lists like Wunderlist, but it’s highly customizable and it’s really good looking: it focuses on a great UI as well as sharing, and it relies on a Chrome web app instead of a native desktop application to do the heavy lifting. It’s quite user friendly, and it’s worth a look as your go-to to-do app.

Website: Any.DO

9. Bump

While many people were impressed with the NFC ability in the most recent Samsung ad promotions, probably more than a few were a little disappointed to learn that it was limited to a few phones. Thankfully, the folks at Bump realized that we wanted that feature across all phones, and it lets you share information like photos, contacts, and files just by bumping the two phones together. It’s cross-platform and quite slick, and while it’s not as full featured or nice as the S III’s native features, it’s usable over both Android and iPhone and so offers a bit more utility than a phone-specific sharing ability!

Website: Bump

10. SemiSilent

Some of us only dream of being busy enough for this app, but if you’re one of them you may find this a lifesaver: it lets you categorize certain people in different levels of importance, and then it can silence everyone under a certain level that you select so you’re only interrupted at night, for example, by urgent or critical levels. It’s great if you’re constantly interrupted by less important calls or texts at night and definitely helps prioritize emergencies!

Website: SemiSilent

Easily sort data in Microsoft Excel by using the auto filter

Easily sort data in Microsoft Excel by using the auto filter

Organize cells quickly by using Microsoft Auto filter. Columns that contains long listing of data can be sorted by using the Auto filter option. To use this option follow the steps below.

Select the top rows of the columns you want to be used.

Click Data
Click Filter and select Auto Filter.
Once successfully completed you can use drop down arrows to filter the data automatically. In the example below table following the above steps you'd highlight the top row from "Name" to "Position". After created you'll have down arrows next to each of the table headings. If for example you were to click the down arrow next to Position you could sort the table to only show programmer positions.

Name                 Sex    Age    Position
John                     M       34    Programmer
                     F    23    Customer Service
                     M    56    Programmer

Additional information
How do I sort a list in Microsoft Excel?
How to create a custom sort in Microsoft Excel.
See our sort definitions for further information and related links on these terms.

Affiliate Marketing: The Most Profitable Way to Make Money Online

Affiliate Marketing: The Most Profitable Way to Make Money Online

According to a source, there are more than 170 million blogs..

Most of these blogs get less than 1,000 visitors per month, and the harsh reality is, they fail to actually make a decent living from their blog. In last few years, blogging has got more popularity but the fact which is still unchanged is most bloggers never make money!

Internet is flooded with articles like “The secret to make $5000 per month easily with a blog” but people are still struggling and they never see the income that they were promised.

If you are a Good writer and your blog has good traffic, you should try Affiliate Marketing. It’s the best and probably the easiest method to make money online. Through Affiliate Marketing, Bloggers like Zac Johnson and Harsh Agarwal have made more than Million Dollars online. If you are new to Affiliate Marketing, this article is for you.

Before I start, I would like to make one thing clear:

Earning Money Online is not easy. It need constant effort so you won’t find any magical tips in this article that will help you to get rich overnight. If you want to be a millionaire in just 1 day then this article is not for you.

This article covers the following topics:

What is Affiliate Marketing?
How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?
Different Types of Affiliate Marketing
Why you should try Affiliate Marketing?
How to find Products to promote?

Strategies and Practices to become a good affiliate marketer

So many bloggers are using Affiliate Marketing but everyone is not making money. Some have failed while others have succeeded. So you can make money from it or not entirely depends on many factors like your Blog’s traffic, Your promotional strategies, your content, your commitment etc

What is Affiliate Marketing?
According to the Definition of WikiPedia

Lets try to understand Affiliate Marketing in simple words. Basically, you promote products or services of any company on your blog either by posting a banner or by writing an article. You get a commission when the visitor sent by you makes a purchase.

Affiliate Marketing is the Quickest way to make money online because it doesn’t need any investment. You don’t have to create any product yourself for promoting it. Your task is to link up a buyer with seller. If your referred user makes a purchase, you will earn commission. Isn’t that interesting?

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

When you Sign Up as an Affiliate, you chose a product that you want to promote. Seller provide you a unique affiliate code that you can use to refer traffic to their site. Almost all affiliate programs offer ready made links and banners. You just need to copy the code and paste it on your blog. When your visitors click on these links or banners, they are redirected to the seller’s site. If they purchase a product or subscribe to a paid service, you earn a commission.
It’s your unique affiliate ID through which a seller track your performance.

Different Types of Affiliate Marketing

It’s a misconception that you need to sell products all the time to make a commission. In affiliate marketing, you can also earn without selling a product. Lets have a look at its different types:

Cost Per Sale(CPA)
CPA stands for Cost Per Acquisition. In CPA marketing, you make a commission only when a visitor referred by you purchase goods and services from the Merchant.

Cost Per Lead(CPL)

You make a commission when a visitor referred by you completes a form on the Merchant Web Site.

Cost Per Click(CPC)

As the name suggests, you earn a commission when a visitor on your blog clicks on the Merchant’s banner or link and thus visits the Merchant’s Web site.

Why Every Blogger should try Affiliate Marketing?
I recommend Affiliate Marketing because it’s much better than Google Adsense for blogs which has good amount of traffic. The reasons why I support Affiliate Marketing are listed below:

Passive Income
In any regular job, you get a fixed salary as long as you work. This is not the case with Affiliate Marketing. If your marketing skill is really good, you can earn even when you are away from your computer.

No Investment at All

The beauty of affiliate marketing is, it allow you to promote products which are developed by others. It means you don’t need to hire employees or open an office. Marketing on internet is really cheap as compared to offline world so investment is either null or very small.

Anyone can Join

The word “Free” always attract new bloggers. For Joining any affiliate programs, you don’t need to pay anything so everyone can try it.

Global Reach

Internet gives you the opportunity to reach people all over the world which gives you the opportunity to earn big.

No Tension at All
When you develop your own product or start your own business, you need to work on many things such as customer support, delivery of product etc. However, in Affiliate Marketing it’s the seller who does that for you.

List of Best Affiliate Marketing Networks

For getting better result in Affiliate Marketing, you need to choose best product to promote. Below given sites are considered best for affiliates:

Commission Junction
Link Share
One Network Direct
Amazon Associates
Flex Offers
Click Bank
Commission Soup
How to become a Successful Affiliate Marketer

Affiliate Marketing is an excellent way to make money online but it’s highly competitive as well. If you want to become a successful Affiliate Marketer, you will have to learn how to promote products, what works and what doesn’t, know the market needs etc
I am sharing some strategies which works best in Affiliate Marketing not only for me but also for other people.

Affiliate Marketing Tip #1 – Choose your Merchants Carefully

The first mistak a lot of affiliate marketers make is that they choose merchants on the basis of who pays the best commission. Remember, when you promote a product on your blog you also promote the company who is selling that product so it’s important to choose the merchant wisely. You never want your visitor to go and purchase a product on your advice and then come back with disappointment. If you do so, you will lose the trust of your visitors.

Before choosing any Merchant, try to know about its reputation, the quality of products, customer support etc. The next factor which is important is the sell-through-rate. If it’s good, it indirectly means the merchant converts better.

Affiliate Marketing Tips #2- Selection of Niche Also Matters
If you can’t drive traffic to your blog, you can’t earn money with affiliate marketing as well. Selection of Niche also matters a lot because competition on internet is fierce. Normally a niche with few competitors works best. But if you have picked a niche which is already dominated by professional affiliate marketers, you won’t be able to make money with affiliate marketing. Some example of such niche are mortgages, credit cards, lawyers and so on.

Affiliate Marketing Tip #3 – Always Promote Best Products only
Before recommending something to your readers, make sure that the product is best and it has the quality to impress you. Never recommend anything that you wouldn’t buy yourself.

To be a successful affiliate marketer the product you are promoting should be relevant to the content of your blog. For example- If your blog is about blogging, you can’t promote health products.

Affiliate Marketing Tip #4- Don’t fill your Blog Only with Affiliate Links and banners

I have seen many bloggers overcrowding their blog with affiliate links and banners. That’s certainly a bad practice. By doing that, you can never get better results specially in Affiliate Marketing. Neither Google nor visitors like a blog or website overcrowded with affiliate links and banners.

Affiliate Marketing Tip #5- A Personal Recommendation Works Best

When it comes to sales, personal recommendation works better than banners or links. However, before writing any review or recommending any product to your readers, try it yourself and write your honest views.

Affiliate Marketing Tip #6 – Use Different Traffic Sources to Promote Products
Most affiliate marketers use very similar promotional approach. They either put ads on their blog or write a recommendation article. This approach works well but you can try other method to send traffic to sales pages. It will increase your chances of making money online.

One way to send traffic to sales pages is by using Google Adwords. Just make an Ad in your adword account and use your affiliate link in the target url of your Ad. You can earn money through this method but you will have to measure the conversion regularly so that you can end your campaign in case, the campaign cost goes higher than campaign profit.

Affiliate Marketing Tip #7- Always Track your Affiliate Campaign

In order to know what is working and what is not, it’s quite important to track your affiliate campaign. You can do split testing to measure the performance of your campaign. Changing a few things can increase your profit. I will recommend you to use your own conversion tracking software.

Affiliate Marketing Tip #8 – Promote the Product which is in Demand
You should only promote a product which is in Demand. If you are promoting a product that is low in demand you will never get any sales. So spend few hours and do some research before promoting any product.

Affiliate Marketing Tip #9 – Keep yourself Updated
Affiliate Marketing is a competitive filed so people always come up with new techniques. So it’s important to keep yourself updated with new techniques, methods and tools otherwise you will fall behind.

Affiliate Marketing Tip #10 – Make your Affiliate Link Look Natural
Normally, an Affiliate Link look like “http://www.shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=530757&u=884521&m=50165&urllink=&afftrack=” . Visitors may not click on such kind of links because it doesn’t look like a natural link. If you want your users  to click on your affiliate links, try to make them natural.

A natural looking link of same affiliate link is “https://learne-world.blogspot.in/recommend/ininbox” . I bet, people will now show more interest in clicking such links.

If you are a WordPress user, you can do this by using plugins. A free plugin for accomplishing the same task  is Pretty Link Lite. If you are looking for a Paid Plugin, I will recommend you to use Affiliate Link Manager Pro.

Also Read – How to make money from Amazon Affiliate Program by Shashank Gupta?

If you are not able to make money online through Google Adsense or any other Ad network even after driving lots of traffic to your blog, I will highly recommend you to try Affiliate Marketing. In this tutorial, I have provided complete information about Affiliate Marketing.

What Is Hybrid Cloud Computing?

What Is Hybrid Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing has been the latest rage for several years, becoming more and more popular as distributed systems and easier access to services becomes the norm. Demand for cloud services has grown quickly, but many IT directors have expressed concerns over public cloud security issues and have instead moved towards private clouds, which are generally far more restricted and less distributed than are public systems. This means losing many of the advantages of the public cloud in the switch.

A solution that has emerged is the hybrid cloud, which are often now the focus of IT management as they work to balance user needs, data access requirements, and security. A January 2011 survey by Unisys showed that 21 percent of IT organizations are focusing on hybrid clouds and a Sand Hill Group survey just before that showed that IT managers believe hybrid cloud use will continue a fast growth. That 2010 SHG survey predicted growth would triple, which has already happened.

So what is the hybrid cloud, how does hybrid cloud computing work, and will it work for your organization?

Hybrid Cloud Architecture

The hybrid cloud is a mixture of private and public cloud systems; hence its name. The private cloud can be self-hosted by the company (common in enterprise) or hosted by a paid third-party virtually, but kept private for the company’s own use (common in smaller systems). The public cloud, of course, is public and off-premises.

Users connect to the private cloud separately from the public one. Often, the setup has the public cloud hosting software, data and services that are non-critical with the rest on the private cloud. Many firms use the public cloud as a development test bed as well. In a small business setup, for example, the private cloud may hold valuable customer data and sales metrics while the public cloud hosts the company’s virtual phone network and communications system. In an enterprise, as another example, the public cloud may host the beta version of the company’s proprietary in-house software for tracking and analysis with key test data (all dummies created for the testing) included. The private cloud hosts the actual software and data and will be upgraded once testing in the public cloud is complete. This saves valuable network and hardware resources for continued enterprise use while allowing the IT department to fully vet software-in-progress before going live and without fear of harming the current network.

Some large networks have multiple private-public cloud mixtures, though is is generally only common in large enterprises with geographically global data centers and offices. Many financial institutions, for example, use multiple private-public cloud mixes. It is more common for enterprise to have a single private cloud and multiple public clouds for various services.

The Pros and Cons of Hybrid Cloud Computing
The hybrid cloud allows IT to take advantage of the benefits of the private and public cloud. Some of the risks associated with these systems are also included, however, so the mixture is not always just positives. The challenge for the IT manager is to find the proper balance between the risks and rewards to craft a hybrid cloud that works well for the corporation’s needs.

The benefits of the hybrid system are:
First: Public clouds allow for a low investment hurdle to activate and can be cheaply scaled to more or less servers and network connections as needed. In a hybrid cloud, this flexibility is retained for all services put onto the public cloud, giving a lot of operational flexibility.

Second: Private clouds have fewer security concerns and the enterprise retains control over the data center and its contents. In the hybrid cloud, this remains so.

The downsides to the hybrid cloud are:
First: The flexibility of the private cloud is very limited and the up-front costs and continued maintenance requirements can be expensive. Management will have to budget for needs as well as the occasional unforeseen downtime or outage.

Second: Mismanagement of the two systems can lead to cross-contamination, with data from the private (secure) cloud being ported to the public cloud. This is mitigated with intelligent SOPs.

Addressing the Challenges of Hybrid Cloud Systems

The goal of a hybrid cloud system is to provide as many of the benefits of the public and private cloud as possible while not incurring the risks associated with them. Most of this will be done in the design and implementation stages, of course, and proper API between the two (if any connections are to be had at all) will be critical in that process. Since the primary concern in a hybrid cloud is the accidental crossing of critical data from private to the public, having no or very few and tightly controlled connections is important.

Generally speaking, the hbyrid cloud will increase the complexity of a network environment. The benefits, however, often outweigh this issue of complexity and are enough to override the initial planning costs.

How to use LinkedIn Pulse for Driving Traffic to your blog?

How to use LinkedIn Pulse for Driving Traffic to your blog?

One of the most overused phrase on internet by bloggers is, “Content is the king”. If that’s the case, then why isn’t every blogger is able to drive traffic to their blog? Well, for starters, perhaps you aren’t promoting your articles properly (not writing the right type of contents can also be the case).

Traffic is the one thing bloggers can’t live without. Today, We are sharing a new method of driving traffic using LinkedIn Pulse. If you are not able to drive enough traffic to your blog, you must check some of our old posts which are listed below:

In February 2014, LinkedIn opened up its publishing platform to it’s members, meaning anyone can publish articles on LinkedIn. It was interesting to know that even first time writers were able to get featured on the Pulse and get ten thousand views or more. I became interested but When i tried to publish a post on LinkedIn first time, I found that there’s a little bit of confusion about what “Pulse” really is. This is because LinkedIn hasn’t provided enough details about “Pulse” anywhere.

LinkedIn Pulse is accessible to everyone in English Speaking countries which makes it interesting for serious bloggers and seo experts. They see it as a source of traffic. To check whether it’s helpful or not, I started experimenting with my own account. I published my first post on LinkedIn few days ago and surprisingly got many new followers and email subscribers.

As it’s a new way of driving traffic to your blog, I am sharing this method through this post.

How to Publish your First Post in LinkedIn?

First of all, visit linkedin.com and log into your account. If you aren’t already registered, register a new account.
In LinkedIn Dashboard, you should see “Publish a Post” button. Just click on that button. If you can’t see any such button, visit https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/article/new .
Upload an interesting featured Image which can draw user’s attention.
write an Interesting and Eye Catching Title for your Post. A good title is necessary for drawing the attention of users. Ordinary titles go un-noticed most of the times.
If you are done with Uploading Featured Image and Writing an Interesting Title for your post, provide some details about your post title. Make sure that the post is not too long. Too Long posts go un-noticed in LinkedIn Pulse.

Tips to Make your LinkedIn Post Go Viral
1. Write Post on Popular Topics
One of the most important thing for getting better result in any kind of business is to target the right audience. It’s important to note that LinkedIn’s audience is mostly composed of business professionals and career oriented individuals who are interested in finding new opportunities. Out of topics like Careers, Business, Self Improvement, Technology, Sales & Marketing, SEO, Current events and Productivity, the most popular is “Careers“. After researching for few days, I came to know that more than 40% posts published on Pulse were related to Careers. Follow Channels to stay on top of topics that interests you.

Suggestion: Try to publish post related to Careers for getting best result on LinkedIn.

2. Try to use Interesting Headlines
Headline is the most important part of any article. A survey shows that most of the viewers read your complete articles only when they find your article’s headline interesting. For example, out of two titles i.e. “How to correct your blogging mistakes for doing well” and ” Are you doing the same mistakes that all dumb bloggers do?“, the later appears more interesting and thus will do much better among viewers. If you want to get your post noticed, you must use Interesting Headlines for your articles.

Suggestion: Use Interesting Headlines for your articles to get noticed.

3. Write Shorter Articles rather than Longer Ones
There is a lot of debate over whether you should write long or short posts. Few bloggers recommend you to write short articles while others recommend you to write Long articles containing complete details. However, LinkedIn recommends writing shorter posts for getting best results. Long Posts are recommended only to those who already have a large audience.

Suggestion: Shorter articles are more successful in LinkedIn. so, try to write short articles containing only relevant contents. Once you get a large number of followers, you can start posting Long articles.

4. Choose Interesting Featured Image for Best Results

I was researching about some posts that got featured on the Pulse. I noticed that few of these articles consisted of boring headlines and absolutely spammy contents. Then how that kind of post emerged as the featured one? The answer is, due to interesting featured image. For example-In one such post, the author used the image of a beautiful woman.Actually, it was that featured image which got enough clicks to get featured on the Pulse.

You can find free images at pixabay.com. If you are looking for some free tools, try using Pablo and Quozio.

Suggestion: Use Interesting Featured Image to grab the attention of viewers. Here, I am not asking you to use the image of beautiful woman or something like that because it can be the reason for blocking your LinkedIn account.

5. Be Controversial

Try to be Controversial or disagree with popular opinion. For example, If you have found a post on Neil Patel’s blog which says “SEO is necessary to rank your keywords on Top”, try writing a post on LinkedIn with title “Neil Patel’s Statement about the necessity of SEO for ranking is wrong”. It has been seen that controversial posts interest viewers more as compared to normal posts.

Suggestion: As you now know, Controversial posts get more engagement, try being controversial.

6. Tweet to LinkedIn’s Editorial Team to get Featured
LinkedIn’s publishing platform is getting popularity day by day. More than hundreds of articles are published on LinkedIn daily, so there are chances that sometimes your article might not get seen by LinkedIn’s editors. They want to feature only high Quality articles on the Pulse, so if you think that you have written something really good and it hasn’t been noticed and featured within first few days, you can directly tweet your post to LinkedIn’s editorial team. The twitter handler of LinkedIn’s Editorial Team is @LinkedInPulse.

7. Choose the right Content Channel
Getting your article featured on right content channel can send you lots of targeted traffic. Some of the LinkedIn has more than even a million followers that can view your articles. The content on your blog will decide whether they will be converted into your subscribers or not. You can view all LinkedIn channels at https://www.linkedin.com/today/channels

Suggestion: First of all, visit the channels which are relevant to what you write about. Read all featured posts and see what they write about. After researching for few days, start creating and publishing your articles.

8. Follow People of your field

LinkedIn has a facebook like feature. When you publish something new, all people following you get a notification about your post. It increases their chances of viewing your post. Following more people of your field on LinkedIn can thus become helpful. If you are new to LinkedIn, try following more than at least 100 people before publishing any post.

9. Promote your LinkedIn Article outside LinkedIn

If you have a decent sized following outside of LinkedIn, promoting your article outside LinkedIn can really help. What i have noticed about the LinkedIn pulse is, the featured posts are sorted on the basis of number of views. It means, the featured post placed at top has undoubtedly the most number of views. If you have large number of followers on other social networks, you shared post will be viewed by your followers which will increase your post’s chances to get featured.

10. Add Links to your Site or any Landing Page

In your LinkedIn post, you can add links to your website, blog, any landing page or squeeze page for bringing LinkedIn viewers to your site or blog. If you have any resource page or any good landing page, I would highly recommend you to add links to these pages rather than your homepage or social media account.

Wrapping Up
Normally, I prefer SEO traffic over the traffic driven from Social Networking Sites because SEO sends targeted traffic on regular basis but social media doesn’t. However, I decided to write this post because LinkedIn pulse If used properly sends targeted traffic to your site.

If you haven’t tried this method yet, try it now and share your honest views about this method.

Good Morning Beautiful

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